posted on Jun, 25 2017 @ 08:39 PM
Keeping an eye on this thread for inspiration for future reading/movie ideas and I've just noticed that A Clockwork Orange isn't on here. Anthony
Burgess novel.
Should be required reading and another that I read in my teens. Check you get a copy with a glossary in the back because they speak Nadsat (I think
that's right, doing this off the top of my head) a futuristic slang. It can be confusing following the dialogue and I've seen reprints without the
Stanley Kubrick did the film and he didn't want to release it for fear of kids getting the wrong idea and copying Alex and his Droogs and joining
violent gangs! (Naaah, that'll never happen).
Some accused him of doing it for added publicity but it was banned in the UK for a while. Its easy to get hold of now and there are lots more violent
films that were made since then.
If I really had to choose I'd say the book is better but they are both excellent.
edit on 25-6-2017 by Tulpa because: Falling asleep!