posted on Feb, 6 2005 @ 08:17 AM
Originally posted by Truth
Don't yu gus consier yourself conspiracy family
or something?
Yeah sure we're a family, but do you want to have an unexpected reunion with the uncle that nobody talks about? What if some obsessive freak takes to
worshipping another member for some reason. Just for example, what if I got it in my head that Grady was so brilliant that he just had to be my
soulmate, regardless of gender. Do you think that could just maybe open up a really distrubing series of events for Grady if he had tipped his hand
about who and where he is?
Then there's ID theft to consider. Normally people don't go out of their way to steal a specific persons ID, but they could if they had a reason
A member posts his info and he ticks me off somehow. Well amigo, now I'm gonna live my dreams at that member's expense. I track him down, I sneak
into his house and get his SSN off his paystubs, and I steal his identity (which is painfully easy in many states).
Now usually if you steal someone's ID you just write bad checks, get credit cards, lease vehicles and keep them, stupid crap like that. But this
person really ticked me off, and their credit isn't that great. So I'm gonna go commit a few robberies to make the big bucks, and if I get caught
I'm going to be booked in his name, then I'm going to jump bail in his name, and he will be the subject of a manhunt while I escape.