posted on Jun, 16 2017 @ 10:24 AM
originally posted by: TonyS
a reply to: Boadicea
Well you are operating or thinking about this at a far deeper level than I am familiar with.
I don't know about that! I think we're both thinking on exactly the same lines.
What I am concerned about is that the radical Leftists from the Coasts are going to emerge as the principle ideological core drving the Dem
party. Something along the lines of Van Jones with the Obama machine providing support. If they do and they were to take the White House, they could
propel radical change that would seriously threaten the Constitutional rights and freedoms we currently enjoy. And that crowd is relentless and their
hatred of Trumps America knows no bounds.I think we will learn a lot about the emergence of this crowd in July. And we will see them fully activated
in the 2018 Elections.
I'm with you. I think what Obama is -- and has been -- trying to do is destroy the party from within and replace it with his own political machine.
And I'm convinced that part of that plan is why we keep hearing "Hillary! Hillary! Hillary" but not "Obama! Obama! Obama!" -- in order to make
Hillary the face of the party and to take the fall for everything that's wrong with the party... then Obama can come in with his "Organizing for
Action" org and all its blood money and rebuild the party and reign as the new savior of the party and the nation. Obama himself cannot be prez
again, but he can sure groom others to do his bidding -- especially with the power of his oh-so-awesome-possum data system on everyone and everything.
Hillary's done in politics. She has plenty to answer for what she's done in the past, but she's not a threat in the future. Unlike Obama. He's
just gearing up!
On the plus side, if we see it, then no doubt others see it as well, including the Trumps and the Clintons. That's why I think our best hope is
Obama's competition and/or adversaries going forward, on both sides of the aisle. Trump now, perhaps Hillary to a limited extent, and especially
Ivanka and Chelsea in the future. (Incidentally or not, Chelsea and Ivanka are also good friends). Chelsea is already taking a page out of Trump's
book and using Twitter as her political platform. And we know Ivanka's working right alongside her dad now and for the foreseeable future. They will
be formidable opponents.
That's also my biggest problem with this laser focus on Hillary... while Obama (and others, like Podesta) gets a free pass on all sides. Hillary did
nothing alone. Locking Hillary up won't stop Obama or Podesta or anyone else. But letting Hillary take the fall alone sure as hell will help Obama!
Hillary's done. She's not a future threat. But Obama sure is!!!