posted on Feb, 5 2005 @ 05:47 PM
You guessed it folks it's the **dun dun duuun** special forces scenario thread!
Now me and bluecell with post diffrent scenarios and see what you people should be done about it and how!
First situation....
Umm Qasr...
Sit rep..
Enemy insurgents have shot down a chinook helicopter with 17 red cross workers aboard..enemy insurgents are crawling over the crash site but have not
found the workers, this may be due to the pilot and his crew.... shed has had pressure put on them to retrieve the workers ASAP so has selected
you to plan the mission and to allocate forces availble.
Enemy forces: Unkown number but believed to be about 2 platoons or troops of undertrained troops.
Assest...any SF unit of your choice and equipment of your choice...
2 OH58C KIOWA HELICOPTER'S and one chinook helicopter...
Who is going to be the first one to step up to the challange..