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(Montreal) LGBT community celebrates 8-year-old drag queen. Critics call it child abuse

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posted on Jun, 11 2017 @ 01:43 AM
LGBT is full of it. the show must go on..

posted on Jun, 11 2017 @ 01:44 AM

originally posted by: CulturalResilience
a reply to: dukeofjive696969

With respect that is not the issue. The question is whether or not that kid is being hurt, or being put at risk by what is taking place.

How woukd you know, if you have no clue no need to foam at the mouth.

posted on Jun, 11 2017 @ 04:18 AM

originally posted by: silo13
LGBFDUP or whatever alphabet soup they are? [

You facist homophobe! Its LGBGUKIJHMAZXCVNSQ+-×÷=?#

As for the the topic? Its disgusting. I am all for freedom in the bedroom, but dont drag children into that life style.

posted on Jun, 11 2017 @ 07:18 AM

They claim that despite Lactatia not currently believing he is gay, “Maybe he will in the future? Who knows.”

I think that's just bad parenting, they should say "We'll assume he's straight until he says otherwise". But it's the parent's right I guess.

When Nemis is out of character he identifies as a boy and in drag as a girl. Drag for Nemis, is about the performance, the character. When he’s Lactatia, becoming her character, he’s a girl with a penis. As far as gender roles go, we’ve gifted both of our children with the ideal that there’s nothing just for girls and nothing just for boys. He grew up wearing his sisters hand me down princess costumes and fancy shoes while playing with monster trucks and riding a skateboard.

I think that is not very intelligent. A boy has no use for tampons. Just kidding, but reality is society isn't that far advanced yet, maybe in Montreal they can handle and process it without anyone getting hurt but the majority of the world isn't ready. I also don't think it helps the larger cause in the world, I can see anti-western propagandists using this to prove western society is completely #ed up.

I think his biggest milestone in life or a pivotal moment was when he told us that when he grew up if he wanted to, he could be a girl with a penis (He was three and going through a pretty intense Beyonce phase).

That is also quite dumb I think, I had to look up what a Beyonce phase is:

To go through a period of time usually after a breakup when you have very little interest in relationships or anything to do with them and feel like a sassy independent woman like one featured in many Beyonce songs.
A guy asked me out the other night but I really wasn't interested, I think I'm going through a Beyonce phase.

Yeah compare your 3 year old with an adult female celebrity in a different setting?

Otherwise I wouldn't have a problem with it, except I don't agree with children staying up late partying with adults, even with adult supervision/parents present (or maybe especially but that's just me). But I wouldn't oppose it because it is still progress, it's much better than a few decades ago when such a child would end up in the pseudo science that is psychiatry and drugged up it wouldn't be able to recognize itself, having to live with everything that involves the label of being a psychiatric patient. Rather call the child drag queen then and let it have what appears to the child as having fun, still more chances the child will have a meaningful life (emphasizing 'more chances' - psychiatric patients can have meaningful lives too ofcourse). And I don't have kids nor any questions about love, just preparing myself in case my child will have to deal with a gay child in class, or one with various gender issues or whatever.

posted on Jun, 11 2017 @ 07:26 AM
a reply to: silo13

I think this LGBT Comunity have gone too far here... they are basically grooming young boys and girls to be 'gay/poofs'.

This isn't on and should not be encouraged.

That group of people are just nasty and getting nastier by the day.

posted on Jun, 11 2017 @ 09:07 AM
a reply to: silo13

So, what have we here? Little Mr MIxed-Up supported by the gay media and LGBFDUP or whatever alphabet soup they are?

This part here paints your stance as anti-LGBT vitriol. Had you left that part out and focused solely on the "sexualization" and parentally allowed inappropriate behavior of a minor aspect I may have believed that your "concern" for the child's well being was sincere. How you chose to go about it however tells me that this is just another opportunity for you to get up on your soapbox and condemn the LGBT crowd (your post history certainly reflects disdain for the T part of that group).

You make it sound like every member of the LGBT community supports this very isolated incident (how many other 8 year old drag queens have you ever heard about?) without even mentioning child beauty queen pageants which have a much larger fan base and greater prevalence than one I repeat one child drag queen (at least to my knowledge this is a first).

Now onto why I do not agree with this particular instance and I will try to be as clear and concise as possible with my thoughts.

1). Children should have bed times/curfews and generally take direction from parents as opposed to telling parents what they are going to do/not do.

2). Children should not be out "partying" at clubs with their parents, parents are supposed to be parents not their child's friends and treating them as such is wildly inappropriate.

3). No child male,female or undecided at the age of 8 should be wearing that much if any cosmetics and provocative/revealing clothing.

You see how I did that, how I clearly and concisely laid out why I disagree this particular instance and managed to do so without sullying the entire LGBT community?

edit on 11-6-2017 by RainbowPhoenix because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 11 2017 @ 09:32 AM
a reply to: silo13

That is totally f-cked up! If I had a kid that tried to do that they would get the # kicked out of them to smarten up. Oh how the LGBT community influences the young ones, wow.

posted on Jun, 11 2017 @ 09:39 AM
a reply to: JacKatMtn

Q probably stands for "questionable" sexual gender identity?

posted on Jun, 11 2017 @ 09:47 AM

originally posted by: silo13
... LGBFDUP or whatever alphabet soup they are?

Bwahaha...I almost spat out my morning coffee when I read this! Hahaha

posted on Jun, 11 2017 @ 11:23 AM
a reply to: dukeofjive696969

That kid is not huring anybody.

His parents are supporting him in hurting himself.


posted on Jun, 11 2017 @ 11:33 AM
a reply to: RainbowPhoenix

This part here paints your stance as anti-LGBT vitriol. Had you left that part out and focused solely on the "sexualization" and parentally allowed inappropriate behavior of a minor aspect I may have believed that your "concern" for the child's well being was sincere. How you chose to go about it however tells me that this is just another opportunity for you to get up on your soapbox and condemn the LGBT crowd (your post history certainly reflects disdain for the T part of that group).

When the LG** backs and supports a child of 7-8 for their own agenda? When they think it's the right thing to do having a CHILD say 'If your parents don't want you to be a drag queen - you need new parents?'

I don't care what group you are - you're wrong. And sexualization of a child is the worst kind of evil.

That being said why can't I be equally as angry with both? The parents who're using this kid to get on Ellen D. and the 'gay community' who're exploiting this child for their own gains.

As for my disdain for the 't' part? You got that wrong.

I have disdain for them all.

I do not want to know if you're straight gay whatever. I do not want to have to see two men kissing or women for that matter to sell a product. I do not want your sin in my face daily. I do not want you to try and remove the sanctity of marriage by making it into a union of sin.

You don't like it - tough.


Edit to Add

You see how I did that, how I clearly and concisely laid out why I disagree this particular instance and managed to do so without sullying the entire LGBT community?

The LG** community did it to themselves when they openly backed and promoted this kid. It's in the article. The 'gay' community in Montreal have come out to show support for this child.

They hung themselves, not me.


edit on 4136Sunday201713 by silo13 because: see above

posted on Jun, 11 2017 @ 11:36 AM
a reply to: silo13

You don't like it - tough. 

LOL. The irony is palpable. Thanks for the laugh.

posted on Jun, 11 2017 @ 11:46 AM
a reply to: silo13

When the LG

Aww, cute little gesture of condemnation! There you go blaming the whole LGBT community again as opposed to the specific group of people contributing to this very specific instance.

I don't care what group you are - you're wrong. And sexualization of a child is the worst kind of evil.

You do realize that I agree with you on this part right?

As for my disdain for the 't' part? You got that wrong.

I have disdain for them all.

We love you too friend

I do not want your sin in my face daily. I do not want you to try and remove the sanctity of marriage by making it into a union of sin.

I can dig it just like I don't want your dogma up in my face daily but alas here we are having to put up with each others nonsense anyway. Oh well life goes on, hey I have an idea go pray just a little bit harder and maybe you will get your wish.

edit on 11-6-2017 by RainbowPhoenix because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 11 2017 @ 11:52 AM

originally posted by: MonkeyFishFrog

At the age of 2 I was pulling the berets out of my hair declaring definitively that I didn't want or like them. To this day I can't stand anything in my hair. Kids know themselves. Even at 7 or 8.

Actually no they don't....

With my kids I really wanted them to grow into their sexuality and not have it thrust on them like so many. In this case I see a lot of external adult influence and approval/reward type involvement. Even at twice that age they are still trying to figure it out. Adults have way to much assumptions...

edit on 11-6-2017 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 11 2017 @ 11:55 AM
You know what I don't get in all this:

The argument here is that kids as young as 8 (or even younger) understand both the notion and the implications/consequences of both gender and sexuality. We have people openly saying that children know if they're gay, straight, trans etc at 8 years old and are of sound mind and fully comprehending of all that that entails. People are advocating allowing very young children​ to make decisions such as engaging in hormonal treatments, expressing their gender/sexuality differences and, in fact, celebrating this.

So, if that is all true; that children fully understand gender and sexuality, that they understand the meaning, the implications and the consequences, why do we have an age of consent that is 16 in some places and even 18 in others? Why aren't people advocating for the age of consent to be lowered to say, 8 years old? If those children are able to understand the long term implications of say, permenantly changing your body beyond reversal at that age, why do people not think they are also able to understand the implications of a sexual relationship?

TO BE 100% CLEAR I am TOTALLY against lowering the age of consent, I am NOT advocating that AT ALL. I bring this up because it is fundamentally connected to the notion of children fully understanding both gender and sexuality and I just cannot understand the inconsistent logic and narrative that is being espoused in discussions involving very young children who "already know their minds" at a ridiculously young age...
edit on 11-6-2017 by Indrasweb because: (no reason given)

edit on 11-6-2017 by Indrasweb because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 11 2017 @ 11:56 AM
a reply to: RainbowPhoenix

There you go blaming the whole LGBT community again as opposed to the specific group of people contributing to this very specific instance.

If the whole group does not want to be blamed then maybe they should stand up and say so.
The article quoted the 'gay community' - talk to them about it.

I'm glad there are some things we can agree on.
Especially when it comes to kids.

Yep, I guess we're stuck with each other.

Not sure what you think my 'wish' is - but thanks for suggesting prayer. It's all good.


posted on Jun, 11 2017 @ 11:57 AM

originally posted by: Skywatcher2011

... LGBFDUP or whatever alphabet soup they are?

originally posted by: silo13
Bwahaha...I almost spat out my morning coffee when I read this! Hahaha

I'm a P... Pure Sexy

edit on 11-6-2017 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 11 2017 @ 12:06 PM
a reply to: Indrasweb

Good points in that children as young as 8 are supposed to know what they want etc, but they can't drink, smoke, drive, own a gun, etc.

We all know that line of thought.

What we might not see lurking around the corner is the age of concent being dropped.

The UNCRC (United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child) are pushing for the age to be dropped as (they say) 'It's against a child's rights to refuse them lawful healthy behaviors (consensual sex) because of their age.

Children under the Age of Consent have a strong level of maturity, intellect, emotional intelligence, and social capabilities. It’s time we stop limiting their potential, criminalizing certain of their perfectly healthy behaviors (sex), and restricting their right to experience all the things that they would be able to experience if they lived 100 years ago or in other nations or US states where the Age of Consent is lower.

It’s time to rethink our laws and the impact they have on our society, from the activities that we label as criminal to these laws’ limitations on human potential and experience. The effects are maddening, as children are certainly frustrated by such limits and rightfully so. Such frustration is seen each time an underage teenager acts out to establish his or her sense of agency and self-control. We see the impact when our children and teens act less mature than is age appropriate: we’re coddling them, and it shows!

See how the verbiage makes what is right wrong, and what is wrong right?

I’m sure NAMBLA just loves this.


posted on Jun, 11 2017 @ 12:10 PM
a reply to: silo13

If the whole group does not want to be blamed then maybe they should stand up and say so

Ok now you can't seriously expect every single member of any given demographic to come out and publicly condemn an action perpetrated by one of their own every time it happens. If I did then I would expect every single last deacon,bishop,priest,cardinal and whatever what have you to issue a public apology for the unmentionable actions of their fellow priest's. I also believe there was a member that posted earlier in the thread that is gay and condemned this situation so big F U to him then right. Talk about unreasonable expectations...

posted on Jun, 11 2017 @ 12:13 PM
a reply to: silo13

Jesus.. well.. I find that to be an incredibly troubling line of thinking...

The age of consent exists because as a society we agree that children are unable to fully comprehend the implications of a sexual relationship and it is there to safeguard them against exploitation, until such an age that they are deemed to have the capacity to make a decision regarding sexual relationships (in Canada I believe that is 16, as it is in the UK).

I cannot understand how people could support the notion that 8 year olds know their own mind in relation to sexuality and gender identity yet still support an age of consent. I find that to be most intellectually inconsistent and I would like to hear an explanation from an individual or individuals that hold these seemingly incompatible beliefs, if possible.

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