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Virginia Imam Says Female Genital Mutilation Prevents Hypersexuality

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posted on Jun, 11 2017 @ 12:40 PM

originally posted by: 23432

posted on Jun, 11 2017 @ 12:46 PM
a reply to: PhyllidaDavenport
such a shame that it's illegal in the US isn't it???
got news for the crazies....
I was content with the same man for over 30 years...
now, I am content with no man.
maybe if we could find a way to make sex not as pleasurable for men, we cut down on the numbers of rapes!!
but, that's just crazy talk isn't it? as crazy as this guy sounds.

posted on Jun, 11 2017 @ 12:53 PM

originally posted by: PhyllidaDavenport
a reply to: 23432

I've already stated this is also happening elsewhere. I've also stated that this practice is not "Muslim" nor in the Quran. I've already stated that I knew about this in Africa when I was growing up (although didn't know what it was exactly) Anything else?

I don't know , maybe get a circumsion and tell us how it effects you ?

or better still , stop parking all the ills of humanity into an islamic car park ?

or even better learn to respect other cultures ?

Those African ladies are repulsed and disgusted by your cultural norms ; perhaps humble thyself a bit ?

posted on Jun, 11 2017 @ 12:59 PM
a reply to: 23432

Are they really , or were they just brainwashed to be ok with it, much like Americans and circusision as you mentioned.

If given the option, without the consequences that come with living in that part of the world, what percent are ok with genital mutilation??

If you did it at 18 , voluntarily with neither side being ostracized in the community , how many women sign up??

You couldn't get 2 out of 10 American men to agree to circumsision that late.. I doubt they would be any different.

posted on Jun, 11 2017 @ 01:08 PM
a reply to: dawnstar

I'm quite sure you could lol..

posted on Jun, 11 2017 @ 01:28 PM

originally posted by: JoshuaCox
a reply to: 23432

Are they really , or were they just brainwashed to be ok with it, much like Americans and circusision as you mentioned.

If given the option, without the consequences that come with living in that part of the world, what percent are ok with genital mutilation??

If you did it at 18 , voluntarily with neither side being ostracized in the community , how many women sign up??

You couldn't get 2 out of 10 American men to agree to circumsision that late.. I doubt they would be any different.

We need a circumsized woman to tell us how she feels i suppose but judging by African mothers pushing it on to their children ; i would like to learn the reasoning behind this tradition .

Why do African Women think it is ok ?

Neither Ignorance nor male oppression is the answer to this conundrum of humanity .

I won't judge them with western values because that would be not only an ignorant thing to do but worse , it would be plain stupidity.

We have the Science of Anthropology to find the answer to this tradition which is applicable to both sexes .

posted on Jun, 11 2017 @ 06:29 PM
a reply to: 23432

Oh do shut up! You come into every thread barking your opinions and ignoring everyone else's. Calling people Islamaphobe racist and the rest.
This scenario happened. It was an Islamic Preacher. He being a Muslim was condoning it and event asking people to ensure their girls had it done. He has great influence over Muslim communities. He is asking for Muslim parents to do something illegal and immoral and quite often dangerous. Do you condone his actions? Do you agree with FGM?

Don't you frigging dare preach to me about African women. You know jack# about it you just jump to defend Islam every time its mentioned. African women in certain areas continue this tradition, not necessarily based on religion but on the male oppression, in particular telling girls "You won't find a husband if you're not cut". I've seen it witnessed it first hand, so please keep your preaching to yourself because I'm seriously not interested in you and your continual praise of Islam

God forbid you should actually acknowledge there are problems
edit on 11-6-2017 by PhyllidaDavenport because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 11 2017 @ 06:56 PM

originally posted by: PhyllidaDavenport
a reply to: 23432

Oh do shut up! You come into every thread barking your opinions and ignoring everyone else's. Calling people Islamaphobe racist and the rest.
This scenario happened. It was an Islamic Preacher. He being a Muslim was condoning it and event asking people to ensure their girls had it done. He has great influence over Muslim communities. He is asking for Muslim parents to do something illegal and immoral and quite often dangerous. Do you condone his actions? Do you agree with FGM?

Don't you frigging dare preach to me about African women. You know jack# about it you just jump to defend Islam every time its mentioned. African women in certain areas continue this tradition, not necessarily based on religion but on the male oppression, in particular telling girls "You won't find a husband if you're not cut". I've seen it witnessed it first hand, so please keep your preaching to yourself because I'm seriously not interested in you and your continual praise of Islam

God forbid you should actually acknowledge there are problems

If you post information which is designed to arouse muslim & Islam hate than you should expect getting debunked .

ATS motto is " Deny Ignorance " and I think you'll get lot of help to Deny Ignorance , naturally.

My hope is that you learn a bit about the subject matter which you form an opinion on but I think you already made up your mind .

You seem to think you are better than Muslims .

I am afraid you are an insult to every hardworking Brit who happens to be a muslim.

I found your posts about Islam and Muslims to be uninformed , bias and designed to belittle 1.8 billion .

You are a bully and no one likes bullies .

Check yourself before you wreck yourself .

posted on Jun, 11 2017 @ 07:09 PM
a reply to: 23432

You fail to answer any of the points or questioned I raised as usual
Your campaign to tar everyone who criticises Islam with the same brush is exactly the same as you accuse others of, tarring all Muslims with the terrorist brush. There is nothing in this thread whatsoever that belittles Muslim nor insults them. I have stated clearly its not confined to the Muslim community, but the issue at hand is this IMAM and his beliefs spreading to the community and the fact that people believe this doesn't happen in the USA. Address the points and stop turning my threads into personal attacks just because I happen to criticise your precious Islam and its practices

The video isn't mine. The video points to a man calling for US Muslims to follow his words and to commit an illegal act on young girls. Anything to say about that? Or you going to continue your stalking of me each time I speak about Islam?

Perhaps you should check my previous posts in which you may just find I actually DEFEND Muslims. I have brought many threads to the attention of ATS members showing them that not all Muslims are bad etc etc
Such as

And others

Address the issue do not use this thread to air your personal grievances against me, and never ever doubt my absolute conviction to end FGM regardless of who practices it and bring to light the appalling treatment of women throughout the world
edit on 11-6-2017 by PhyllidaDavenport because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 11 2017 @ 07:21 PM

originally posted by: PhyllidaDavenport
a reply to: 23432

You fail to answer any of the points or questioned I raised as usual
Your campaign to tar everyone who criticises Islam with the same brush is exactly the same as you accuse others of, tarring all Muslims with the terrorist brush. There is nothing in this thread whatsoever that belittles Muslim nor insults them. I have stated clearly its not confined to the Muslim community, but the issue at hand is this IMAM and his beliefs spreading to the community and the fact that people believe this doesn't happen in the USA. Address the points and stop turning my threads into personal attacks just because I happen to criticise your precious Islam and its practices

The video isn't mine. The video points to a man calling for US Muslims to follow his words and to commit an illegal act on young girls. Anything to say about that? Or you going to continue your stalking of me each time I speak about Islam?

Perhaps you should check my previous posts in which you may just find I actually DEFEND Muslims. I have brought many threads to the attention of ATS members showing them that not all Muslims are bad etc etc
Such as

And others

Address the issue do not use this thread to air your personal grievances against me, and never ever doubt my absolute conviction to end FGM regardless of who practices it and bring to light the appalling treatment of women throughout the world

You have funny ideas about FGM none of which represents truth .

Thousands of years Africans have been carrying out the tradition and they are willing and wanting to carry on according to Scientists .

Ignore Scientists if you like , you'll get nowhere .

And stop parking worlds problems at muslims door and if you do some one will come along and tell you to move it, naturally.

I bet you have no muslim friends .

posted on Jun, 11 2017 @ 07:38 PM
a reply to: 23432

No I have a firsthand knowledge of FGM and for the last sodding time I didn't not "park it at Islam's door" if you actually read what I put for a change you will see I said this occurs all over and is NOT limited to Islamic practice. However the thread is about the Imam in the video condoning this illegal practice in the USA. Either comment on that which is the topic of the thread or leave it.

posted on Jun, 11 2017 @ 08:37 PM

originally posted by: PhyllidaDavenport
a reply to: 23432

No I have a firsthand knowledge of FGM and for the last sodding time I didn't not "park it at Islam's door" if you actually read what I put for a change you will see I said this occurs all over and is NOT limited to Islamic practice. However the thread is about the Imam in the video condoning this illegal practice in the USA. Either comment on that which is the topic of the thread or leave it.

Perhaps if they have a couple of inches of their chipolata cut off at 15 yrs old they may re-think.

Women have to wear a large bag as they tempt men, women have to cover their hair because hair hypnotises men, women aren't allowed to enjoy sex, if women are raped its their own fault, women have to stay indoors, ad nauseum.

Its never the fact that these Muslim men seem to lack all semblence of self control, as we are seeing in Europe with the Muslim immigrants from various Muslim regions.

Still people say that this backwards religion is fine to mix with other cultures.

These above are your words .

You take a real issue such as FGC which effects not only muslims but christians too and your post mentions nothing about christians while parking the car in islams car park .

Unbias post would have mention the fact that christians and other non muslims also practice this tradition.

You are either uninformed or you are bias ; neither options bode well in ATS because the whole point of this website is to Deny Ignorance .

If you go out in Yorkshire Town and shout out what you wrote here ; most people would think you are a bigot.

Alreay on this thread there are scores of ignorant users who help you validate your confirmation bias .

When you suggest that perhaps 15 years old muslim boys should get their " chiopolate " chopped ; I can't help but wonder how come you don't know that those boys are already cut ?

If you already know it but suggesting that they should get extra bit cut off ; that's just plain sadistic .

Female Circumcision is unhealthy and unnecessary as far as I can tell and it should be ended .

You should stay out of this Jihad to end FGC ; you are not convincing the people who suffer from it ; all you are doing is make more people hate muslims more while inciting hatred and violence against young muslim boys , exclusively.

What happens if someone gets inspired by your comments and performs a Chipolata chop on an innocent muslim or christian african immigrant boy ?

edit on 11-6-2017 by 23432 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 11 2017 @ 08:40 PM

What happens if someone gets inspired by your comments and performs a Chipolata chop on an innocent muslim or christian african immigrant boy ?

What happens if nobody speaks out about this atrocity, both physically and emotionally debilitating.

You can keep quiet about it. I won't.


You should stay out of this Jihad to end FGC

You will be hard pressed to find an American citizen who gives a rat's ass about your "jihad". So you'll know.

edit on 6/11/2017 by angeldoll because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 11 2017 @ 08:48 PM

originally posted by: angeldoll

What happens if someone gets inspired by your comments and performs a Chipolata chop on an innocent muslim or christian african immigrant boy ?

What happens if nobody speaks out about this atrocity, both physically and emotionally debilitating.

You can keep quiet about it. I won't.

Who said nobody speaks about it ?

Make as much noise as you want but remember if you make it ALL about muslims like the OP does than someone will also call you out .

Just tell the truth , don't omit any FACTS ; here in ATS we can fight against FGC without making false claims .

The impression OP wants you to have is that this is an exclusive muslim problem and it is another evidence as to why muslims are inferior to Western people .

ps there are 9 million US muslims and their friends who would understand the Jihad against it and that number is sufficient to effect change .
You may dislike or hate anyone and that is your right ; just there is no need to lie and corrupt the truth on a site like ATS where the motto is deny ignorance .

I would say to present this problem exclusively as muslim problem that is related to immigration is a rather ignorant thing to do .

edit on 11-6-2017 by 23432 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 11 2017 @ 08:48 PM
I don't say this to defend the man but don't we cut the tips of boys penis' without their consent in western culture?

Some barbaric tradition that mutilates children's sex organs?

Isn't it some barbaric Jewish tradition that we continue to make excuses for?

posted on Jun, 11 2017 @ 08:48 PM
I can't believe some are defending it.

posted on Jun, 11 2017 @ 08:53 PM

originally posted by: MALBOSIA
I don't say this to defend the man but don't we cut the tips of boys penis' without their consent in western culture?

Some barbaric tradition that mutilates children's sex organs?

Isn't it some barbaric Jewish tradition that we continue to make excuses for?

this female mutilation is the equivalent of removing the entire glans penis, the entire head of the penis. Not just the foreskin. So you'll know.

posted on Jun, 11 2017 @ 08:57 PM

originally posted by: 23432

originally posted by: angeldoll

What happens if someone gets inspired by your comments and performs a Chipolata chop on an innocent muslim or christian african immigrant boy ?

What happens if nobody speaks out about this atrocity, both physically and emotionally debilitating.

You can keep quiet about it. I won't.

Who said nobody speaks about it ?

Make as much noise as you want but remember if you make it ALL about muslims like the OP does than someone will also call you out .

Just tell the truth , don't omit any FACTS ; here in ATS we can fight against FGC without making false claims .

The impression OP wants you to have is that this is an exclusive muslim problem and it is another evidence as to why muslims are inferior to Western people .

ps there are 9 million US muslims and their friends who would understand the Jihad against it and that number is sufficient to effect change .
You may dislike or hate anyone and that is your right ; just there is no need to lie and corrupt the truth on a site like ATS where the motto is deny ignorance .

I would say to present this problem exclusively as muslim problem that is related to immigration is a rather ignorant thing to do .

Ya know, I've read some of your posts lately, and I must say for someone who likes to claim they know everything, and call everybody ignorant, you certainly don't understand very much. I'll think I'll just leave it that.
You have a bright future.

posted on Jun, 11 2017 @ 09:11 PM

originally posted by: angeldoll

originally posted by: MALBOSIA
I don't say this to defend the man but don't we cut the tips of boys penis' without their consent in western culture?

Some barbaric tradition that mutilates children's sex organs?

Isn't it some barbaric Jewish tradition that we continue to make excuses for?

this female mutilation is the equivalent of removing the entire glans penis, the entire head of the penis. Not just the foreskin. So you'll know.

A woman used to perform circumcision in Medina.

The Prophet (peace be upon him) said to her:

Do not cut severely as that is better for a woman and more desirable for a husband. (Sunan Abu Dawud, Book 41, Number 5251)

posted on Jun, 11 2017 @ 09:16 PM

originally posted by: angeldoll

originally posted by: 23432

originally posted by: angeldoll

What happens if someone gets inspired by your comments and performs a Chipolata chop on an innocent muslim or christian african immigrant boy ?

What happens if nobody speaks out about this atrocity, both physically and emotionally debilitating.

You can keep quiet about it. I won't.

Who said nobody speaks about it ?

Make as much noise as you want but remember if you make it ALL about muslims like the OP does than someone will also call you out .

Just tell the truth , don't omit any FACTS ; here in ATS we can fight against FGC without making false claims .

The impression OP wants you to have is that this is an exclusive muslim problem and it is another evidence as to why muslims are inferior to Western people .

ps there are 9 million US muslims and their friends who would understand the Jihad against it and that number is sufficient to effect change .
You may dislike or hate anyone and that is your right ; just there is no need to lie and corrupt the truth on a site like ATS where the motto is deny ignorance .

I would say to present this problem exclusively as muslim problem that is related to immigration is a rather ignorant thing to do .

Ya know, I've read some of your posts lately, and I must say for someone who likes to claim they know everything, and call everybody ignorant, you certainly don't understand very much. I'll think I'll just leave it that.
You have a bright future.

I never claimed to know everything ; it's not that difficult to debunk people who hardly know anything about Islam other than msm propaganda .

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