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Virginia Imam Says Female Genital Mutilation Prevents Hypersexuality

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+5 more 
posted on Jun, 10 2017 @ 06:48 PM
Imam Shaker Elsayed of the Dar al-Hijrah Islamic Center in Falls Church Virginia, has caused outrage over his comments on parenting & family life stating that female genital mutilation is the key to preventing women being hypersexual and was the "honourable thing to do". He said that fgm had received a bad name due to insufficiently trained surgeons and that in countries where this didn't happen women were not happy with one two or 3 partners! Strange don't you think how these misogynistic scared men always blame the women. Perhaps if they have a couple of inches of their chipolata cut off at 15 yrs old they may re-think. Women have to wear a large bag as they tempt men, women have to cover their hair because hair hypnotises men, women aren't allowed to enjoy sex, if women are raped its their own fault, women have to stay indoors, ad nauseum. Its never the fact that these Muslim men seem to lack all semblence of self control, as we are seeing in Europe with the Muslim immigrants from various Muslim regions.

Still people say that this backwards religion is fine to mix with other cultures.

Imam Quits - Daily Mail
Mosque Leader Quits After Female Genital Mutilation Comments

For those that don't know just what fmg does to women, this is what the World Health Organisation has to say about it calling it "unecessary traumatic abuse"

Female genital mutilation has no known health benefits. On the contrary, it is known to be harmful to girls and women in many ways. First and foremost, it is painful and traumatic. The removal of or damage to healthy, normal genital tissue interferes with the natural functioning of the body and can cause several immediate and long-term health consequences. For example, FGM can cause excessive bleeding, swelling of genital tissue and problems urinating, and severe infections that can lead to shock and in some cases, death, as well as complications in childbirth and increased risk of perinatal deaths

The Imam has now backtracked and resigned, after the Centre made a public statement on the matter. The Falls Church is no stranger to controversy either. After 9/11 a leading Imam resigned and joined Al Qaeda and was subsequently killed. In 2005 Imam Elsayed himself caused more controversy when he became the official spokesman for the family of Ahmed Omar Abu Ali during his 2005 terrorism trial. So despite this horrible practice being illegal its clear that it is still being performed and people like this, who are supposed respected leaders in the community are advocating it. Strange too is the fact I can find nothing on this in their Holy Quran so clearly, like the burkha, another attack on female inequality.

+13 more 
posted on Jun, 10 2017 @ 06:51 PM
This POS should have his cock cut off.

+8 more 
posted on Jun, 10 2017 @ 06:52 PM
And we want more of this thinking in this country...Why?

posted on Jun, 10 2017 @ 06:56 PM
Then first they should cut off the head of his penis...

This kind of thinking is unfortunate and primitive.

Btw this IS NOT IN Islam
edit on 10-6-2017 by Willtell because: (no reason given)

+5 more 
posted on Jun, 10 2017 @ 06:56 PM
If anyone on the planet should be de hypersexualised its the Muslim male!
That is my professional opinion obviously

posted on Jun, 10 2017 @ 07:03 PM

originally posted by: PhyllidaDavenport
If anyone on the planet should be de hypersexualised its the Muslim male!
That is my professional opinion obviously

Age 8 a girl becomes a woman. Your right on that one.

posted on Jun, 10 2017 @ 07:05 PM
a reply to: Willtell

That is probably more fitting..functional, but all the joy involving the function removed, at least use a rusty bread knife.

posted on Jun, 10 2017 @ 07:15 PM
a reply to: Willtell

And yet it prevails and indeed practiced and taught in Islam....bad news. This is what happens when men are allowed to be the religious experts and interpret how they see fit ....whatever fits their agenda that is
Instead of their God

posted on Jun, 10 2017 @ 07:17 PM
a reply to: PhyllidaDavenport

I'm guessing he is right..

Just like you will "cure" a man from ever having sex again by cutting it off..

So yea I'm betting genital mutilation would curb ANY sexual desire really..

He is a flippin barbarian.. but yea I guess technically he is correct lol.
edit on 10-6-2017 by JoshuaCox because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 10 2017 @ 07:18 PM

originally posted by: PhyllidaDavenport
a reply to: Willtell

And yet it prevails and indeed practiced and taught in Islam....bad news. This is what happens when men are allowed to be the religious experts and interpret how they see fit ....whatever fits their agenda that is
Instead of their God

I totally agree.

It wont change in the other countries NO TIME SOON. But the good thing is American Muslims DONT PRACTICE THIS CRAP....

+3 more 
posted on Jun, 10 2017 @ 07:19 PM
a reply to: Willtell

And yet this was an Imam in America? At an important conference. Don't you think that this goes on in the USA? Three doctors have already been jailed for this practice so of course it happens in America

posted on Jun, 10 2017 @ 07:20 PM
I find it really odd how the most misogynistic tossers are usually big time members of the Abrahamic religions.

Like someone else said, let him cut his Johnson off before the retard starts preaching about mutilating women.

posted on Jun, 10 2017 @ 07:25 PM

originally posted by: PhyllidaDavenport
a reply to: Willtell

And yet this was an Imam in America? At an important conference. Don't you think that this goes on in the USA? Three doctors have already been jailed for this practice so of course it happens in America

This is not unheard of happening.

The Christians get a bad reputation for things that are no where this violent or sick from the same who call people a phobe name for wanting common sense to be applied to radicalized Islam and border jumpers. Endangering little girls with this mess over what, pride?

posted on Jun, 10 2017 @ 07:25 PM
This is a totally male cultural thing…

It’s from the idea of woman inferiority and control from premodern civilizations.

It has accrued to religion but none of the major religions approves of this but the male control mechanism has lied and customized it in religions just to force woman in ignorance to do it…

posted on Jun, 10 2017 @ 07:27 PM
The blatant hypocrisy of these fundamentalist Islamist preachers never ceases to simultaneously amuse and horrify me.

They reckon they are supposed to have 4 wives and father as many children as possible. I really don't think can throw around accusations of "hypersexuality".

Is female genital mutilation illegal in America? If not it should be. Barbaric practice. Id literally like to see anyone who isn't an Islamic State sympathiser try to defend it.

posted on Jun, 10 2017 @ 07:28 PM
Well, Muffti Shake Ya Bootee is quite happy with his Harem of complete girls....Thats the Way, He likes it.

Interestingly, in modern, sophisticated, "Western" countries, there is an epidemic of sorts, for women young and old, to get themselves a "Design-a Vagina"....officially called Labiaplasty/Labioplasty or vaginal "Rejuvenation".

Seems some Western women are not happy with their natural beautiful vaginas, where their inner Labia protrudes from their "Lips" and hangs down, they say its Ugly or messy etc etc, regardless that many many men find that physical trait, alluring, exciting and downright sexy....
So they undergo multi 1000$ plastic surgery operations to have those offending natural female attributes, they can once again look like a pre pubescent little girl.....which they think men find attractive??
Often they say its discomfort, annoying etc to have those bits hanging around, not realising that those bits are a very erogenous zone for both women and men......
Goodness knows what they would "Feel" if they had a meat and 2 veg constantly hanging around, to get caught in everything, where the owner has to be careful not to get them squeezed or all pain breaks loose......Perhaps men should have and operation to remove the offending material too........Dont suggest that!!! many women would agree with that......

So yes, the Islam way is Barbaric, but so is the Western way, and women do that by choice and actually Pay to have it done.

edit on 10-6-2017 by gort51 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 10 2017 @ 07:34 PM
a reply to: gort51

women do that by choice and actually Pay to have it done.

And that's the big difference isn't it?

And still people I know say all this repression of Muslim women is really for their safety etc and its all there in the Quran....except its not

I want to see Muslim men in burkhas. If its imodest for women not to wear them then must be imodest for men too. I don't want to see Muslim men "manspreading" or the bulge of their naughtiness they should cover it all up immediately and whilst theyre about it, I don't want to see single Muslim males out without a 85yr old grandfather chaperone to make sure they don't have a sudden sexual emergency
/semi sarc

posted on Jun, 10 2017 @ 07:40 PM
a reply to: PhyllidaDavenport

While I agree that female genital mutilation is an abomination, I disagree that it is because of Islam it'sself.

It isn't - it is frightened men exerting control over women in a violent and hateful manner.

Rather like christians trying to force women to carry and raise unwanted children. Again, frightened men, wanting to control women in a violent and hateful manner.

Religion is the excuse or justification for this behavior not the cause.

PS - the 'Daily Mail' as a source? Really?

edit on 10-6-2017 by FyreByrd because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 10 2017 @ 07:40 PM
How many of you were aware that FGM particularly clitoredectomy was very popular in the 1800's in the USA as a way of curbing women masturbating lesbianism and their "hysteria"? It was even covered by Blue Cross Insurance !!! It wasn't made illegal until 1977. Now there's something the rampant feminists could really march about!

Seems its only illegal in the USA on minors under the age of 18
IN the UK there is the FGM Act 2003....prior to that the femal circumcision Act 1985 why wasn't it made sooner? It seems we didn't have a problem until later years (or it wasn't acknowledged) but then again we're a much smaller country. After the approval of the Act in 2003 it has been noted that the practice is still widespread and families are resorting to sending the girls abroad for it to be done

posted on Jun, 10 2017 @ 07:44 PM
a reply to: FyreByrd

Yup I agree. Muslim men are terrified of women. Why? Because wherever you find a sect cult or religion that forbids sex, refuses to talk about sex or denies its existence and denies the right to date and get to know the opposite sex until the wedding night, you will get fear, peadophilia rape and prostitute use then you get guilt so then you get violence. Vicious circle which one or two Imams are actually addressing. Humans are extremely sexual beings and I'm guessing that was the Creator/God's intention for whatever reason. This is why I've advocated for years that all Priests should be allowed to marry

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