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Ticks and Lyme disease 06/10/17

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posted on Jun, 23 2017 @ 12:12 AM
I was going to post about this. But I am glad you did. We don't have a good understanding of the disease because Borellia is not the primary vector born illness. There are other pathogens which carry symptoms related to tick and insect bites....

Borellia has more than one genetic type. Testing is very crappy. It doesn't detect the species of Borellia because the testing only tests for a few specific proteins. Anti body tests are not always reliable. They miss over fifty percent of cases.

I had the classic target rash. My doctor said it wasn't lyme because I pointed to what I thought was the type of tick that bit me on a chart. He said "oh that's just a wood tick don't worry." Sadly it has impacted me more than I thought...

Don't give up nature, just wear long sleeves and make it white colored, hell you could wear a bee keepers suit if you were that concerned.

Ticks don't jump, they can't jump...It's impossible for them. They linger on blades of grace or tree limbs with leaves. They are quite small, you can hardly see them, the bites don't hurt. I thought mine was just a typical pimple on my 13 year old developing lingered for days, I pushed on it, then I later discovered it was a tick.

This was at outdoor education in school. They refused to let me see a doctor. An old vietnam vet doused my bite with alcohol and iodine...which I don't think made much difference since the tick was in me for days and I didn't pull it out properly.

The best thing is to disinfect the bite and remove the tick properly.

Do a search for Lymerix vaccine, and Dearborn Lyme...that will give you some insight.

Here's the problem...vector born illness is complex. Drug companies make tons of money treating people for Fibromyalgia or other odd illnesses that have unremarkable ways of testing. Lot's of times it could very well be lyme.

Brain fog, fatigue, moderate joint pain, fragrance sensitivity and rage...yes lyme rage its real.

But there is more there are other diseases in ticks, bartonella, babesia, stari, borellia miyamoti which is more recently discovered. There dozens of straings of borellia. Not all of them are tested.

Doctors are ignorant. My suggestion is be dramatic to your doctor, explain you got bit by a tick and get them to prescribe the antibiotics as soon as possible. Make up all the symptoms even if you don't have them just to get that antibiotic administered right away. It's a crapshoot but it might work.

The other thing to do, is don't burn or pinch the tick. Use tweezers and pull up, it's important to remove the entire tick or it can puke inside you and spread more pathogens.

Most importantly...for your own sanity and reference, get the tick tested. Pay out of pocket with a third party lab. Knowing what the actual tick had, is a far better indicator of the future symptoms you might develop later.

If you are truly curious, get a white blanket, wear long sleeves and such...go drag for ticks. Get them tested, then you have a better idea of what you are up against.

Not everybody gets screwed. I know I'm feeling the effects nearly 20 years later. For me it's brain fog, fatigue and some joint pains. I can't really think like I used to. I'm lucky, I can type and rationalize words. But short term comprehension is terrible.

My sound and light sensitivity is also a bit nerve wracking. Mostly though, I feel I've lost my mind but when you can walk, talk and poop, doctors suggest only that you have depression or other mental disorders.

posted on Jun, 23 2017 @ 12:15 AM
a reply to: hutch622

You are lucky, but not all ticks carry the pathogens. It's also bad that you didn't remove the tick properly...Ticks can't jump. The heat likely created steam and caused the insect to build pressure and dislodge from the pressure.

In other words it popped like popcorn. Don't burn ticks ever. That is not how to remove them. Tie a piece of string, or carefully pull up with tweezers. Don't twist...Just get a grip and pull up.

posted on Jun, 23 2017 @ 12:19 AM
a reply to: PapagiorgioCZ

The worst thing you can do is cut it out or burn it. Leaving any part of it in you is what you don't want to do. Removing a tick is simple but people often think of killing it, or damaging it.

The proper way to remove a tick is to pull up and not twist. You want to remove the tick fully intact and leave no part of it damaged inside. The legs are easily damaged if you twist. Burning them out will provoke them to defecate inside you. Please use more common sense and look up the proper tick removing protocol.

After removing it, wash out with antiseptic be it alcohol, or iodine...let it burn then, but don't do the wrong way of removal.

posted on Jun, 23 2017 @ 12:28 AM
a reply to: tigertatzen

A negative test doesn't mean no infection. Lupus is commonly misdiagnosed because of untreated Lyme. Of course you could have something causing Lupus symptoms. There is about as much information about Lupus or Fibromyalgia as there is's often a clinical diagnosis rather than a real pathological identification.

I tested negative for lyme...I got bit, had a bullseye rash that expanded over two feet. A horsefly also contains pathogens related to lyme and I've been bit by one of those.

posted on Jun, 24 2017 @ 12:12 PM
I know this is a long video (and I have no idea regarding the background of the people who hosted it), but it has a lot of new information regarding the soup to nuts of Lyme and it's treatment. It was only posted May 30th (this year), so for anyone who has been battling a long time (as I have), I can vouch you will learn something new.

posted on Jun, 30 2017 @ 03:07 AM
When I was researching the bioidentical hormones made of urine I have actually found a safer method of administration of the essential oils. It's an old Chinese method of navel skin adsorption.
The next thing I wanted to mention is that the cheapest source of the coconut oil is just eating the coconut. There's 65% fat content and you are doing a favor to your teeths by chewing it.

posted on Jun, 30 2017 @ 03:44 AM

originally posted by: Umberto
a reply to: PapagiorgioCZ

The worst thing you can do is cut it out or burn it. Leaving any part of it in you is what you don't want to do. Removing a tick is simple but people often think of killing it, or damaging it.

The proper way to remove a tick is to pull up and not twist. You want to remove the tick fully intact and leave no part of it damaged inside. The legs are easily damaged if you twist. Burning them out will provoke them to defecate inside you. Please use more common sense and look up the proper tick removing protocol.

After removing it, wash out with antiseptic be it alcohol, or iodine...let it burn then, but don't do the wrong way of removal.

Got it, but using tweezers is worse in my view. It's always squeezing it and most people can't even grab it near its mouth. I've seen people using these tick tweezers on their dogs and it's a crap. It's too big. It could only work if it created a tick head sized hole at the end.
My method is better I wouldn't do anything without letting my mind computing the best option first. I'm using the edge of a knife at 90 degree angle and it is simply extracting whole ticks without squeezing them. The edge cuts into the exoskeleton and pulls it out really fast and clean in 19 cases out of 20.

posted on Jun, 30 2017 @ 04:48 AM
This skin absorption through navel... I'm not yet sure about the one of the strongest oils out there - the Oregano essential oil
but I'll soon tell you because I'm going to use it on my skin moles - the birthmarks actually caused by a virus mutating the skin. It means that I don't want any of them.
Oregano oil is said to be able to dry them up and remove them in 10 days. If the navel can absorb this one without a harm I'll be enthusiastic about bypassing the liver first-pass effect.
edit on 30/6/2017 by PapagiorgioCZ because: absorb not adsorp lol

posted on Jul, 5 2017 @ 09:01 AM
I've got another one. Damn! They seem to like my genitals but it's a deadly fondness. 5 yards in a sunny day to get a flower of St. John's Wort.
Nothing is for free huh?
I'm going to save the ticks in a plastic bags in a freezer from now. Just in case I see a sign of infection later. However I use to kill it with a jet fire lighter. Not to the point it explodes, only until it stops moving. Do they need the bacteria unharmed to test it positive?
edit on 5/7/2017 by PapagiorgioCZ because: grammar

posted on Jul, 8 2017 @ 05:58 PM
That navel absorption will be interesting. After a couple of days (maybe 5 applications of Tea Tree oil) it becomes swollen and sensitive. I don't use to see any reaction on common skin. It's possible that it won't be very useful for strong, undiluted essential oils.

posted on Jul, 8 2017 @ 06:12 PM
a reply to: MichiganSwampBuck

Try guinea hens, they are loud, but will each each and every tick on your property.

posted on Nov, 27 2017 @ 10:00 PM
a reply to: StarWitch

How did you get them to give a long course of antibiotics? Most don't

posted on Nov, 27 2017 @ 10:05 PM
a reply to: PapagiorgioCZ

Cutting the exoskeleton is exactly what you don't want to do...any traces of the tick left in the body is a greater chance of lyme or any other vector it might carry.

The tick is a relatively tough animal, you can pull up on a tick with tweezers like you would a sliver.

posted on Nov, 27 2017 @ 10:09 PM
a reply to: PapagiorgioCZ

If there is anything present it will be testable. They found lyme bacteria in Otzi the famous ice man...the stuff is hard to kill.

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