a reply to:
Maybe Ramadan is like their version of The Purge. But instead of just one day, they need a month or whatever to get it out of their systems. It keeps
them peaceful for the rest of the year, you see. And it allows them to keep their MSM-Approved "Religion of Peace" label.
See, Islam really IS the religion of peace. In fact, it's the ONLY religion of peace. See, most humans on this planet and most of today's religions
are just basically "live and let live". But, if we do that, there will always be differing opinions, which means, disagreements, perhaps leading to
heated debates, which can lead to shouting and Anger.... And violence... And WAR. WAR IS NOT PEACE, people.
This "live and let live" attitude can never bring us peace. Peace and freedom don't go together. See, a lot of chapters in our history prove this.
China, not that long ago, was divided into seperate war lords territories, and this is the same story with a lot of regions:
"They were all just a bunch of bickering tribes fighting petty wars, until finally someone came along who was powerful enough to defeat, conquer,
break into submission, or otherwise annex or dominate ALL the other "clans/tribes/warlords", unifying the whole region and making a much more powerful
nation in it's wake."
This may not have changed history, ultimately, but, youd have to think that, if the American Natives were more organized and unified, the Europeans
would have had a harder time taking two enormous continents for themselves, leaving a few scraps for the natives...
All these examples are just a microcosm of the Earth. Right now we are like China or one of those other primitive proto-nations made up of a bunch of
different tribes, circa "the time before unification". These previous unifications were just about what form of Chinese culture will prevail, or what
form of Greek, or Egyptian culture will prevail...and which will fade away into nothingness with the sands of time...? This present conflict, or
"unification" is a little bit of a bigger deal, because Now the question is, which form of Humanity will survive to become a starfaring civilization?
What, out of all humanity has to offer, will be the Nature of the coming Global Government. Will it be a form that is accepting, sympathetic, and
tolerant of other cultures? Or will it seek to erase all that came before it?
Perhaps this is a stage of our development where... Picture this: Humankind has had all this time to learn... Learning to build, nurture, create,
love... and learning to destroy...kill...decimate...annihilate. Now, he will need every tool at his disposal in the Final Battle Royale over who wins
SPACE, and The Future. It's winner takes all this time, because we don't know how much of an Earth will be left after this one.
The Westerners have Resources and Technology on their side, sure advantages no matter who you are. The Muslims have long term planning, and cunning,
using our own beliefs in liberty, freedom, democracy, goodwill, generosity against us. The Chinese and the other nations have Numbers, Discipline,
Efficiency. The "Russians" will join one of the other sides, The Westerners, as they will soon realize they have more in common with us than with the
Asians or the MiddleEasterners, once they quickly realize this is an Apocalyptic Battle for Supremacy in the Sol System, and, until we have evidence
of otherwise, then for all we know, this Battle will decide what kind of beliefs and laws and morals are spread throughout the entire Galaxy, or even,
the Universe.
Even if there are more powerful beings or races or beings "out there somewhere", who's to say they care to interfere with beings of our level of
development...and may merely observe, or have limited involvement like "we're only here to honor the stars and ensure that no outside harm comes to
them from other lifeforms. Whatever you lesser beings wish to do on these clumps of mud, gas, rock you call Planets, we care not" or something stupid
like that. Maybe they would even encourage us lesser lifeforms to fight eachother and conquer eachothers planets and sectors of the galaxy, maybe its
entertainment and we were actually created for this "long game". Maybe they timed it so there are a small handful of sentient civilizations all just
within the last 60 years becoming space faring civilizations, taking their first baby steps into the Galaxy...
The first war didn't even begin until over 3,500 years after "First Contact"(over the phone) and nearly 2,000 years after First Contact (in person).
Of course, by then, the other 2 sentient races had been discovered and one had been contacted by humans. There was romour, among all the 4 races it
seems, of a secret, hidden, 5th race of sentient beings, rumoured to have had space travel before the others. The rumors varied from "their homeworld
is in another galaxy" to "no, it's in This galaxy, it's just that they are inter-dimensional". After the Wars began, some of the "5th race believers"
or "Fivers" began to spread even more rumors which they claimed were backed up by visions (who knows? this was over 3 millenia into the future, so the
details get a little blurry, trying to remember, except, its like, backwards remembering, actually a lot like forgetting. It's hard to explain, if you
haven't experienced it, in any case) that the 5th race would make themselves known at the end of the Wars, to the victors, who would then be handed
over the Right To Rule the galaxy, and be taught some profound truths about the universe and the nature of God and of Life. What would become of the
5th race after they handed over the reigns to the Victors is unknown. Those who seem to know, claim that even the 5th race was never, COULD never, be
100% sure as to their fate, either. Only that they had to move on, it was their time to...one of the great truths is that we all have our part to play
in the great clockwork mechanism of the universe, and we cannot deny our own destiny or escape our fate, we must play our part and there is no use
fighting it. And so this was the attitude of the 5th race as they "moved on" to whatever was next...