With the warmer weather approaching, many are looking for options when it comes to quenching their thirst.
Working outdoors, I'd often find that I was looking for something other then the usual, water, sports drinks, and teas.High sugar levels, calories,
and boredom take away from those options, depending on your activity levels.It's nice being able to switch things up for variety, caffeine free at
This is where barley water comes in.A healthy drink with a long history. This drink is called by different names depending on the area.Barley teas in
asia are called "Dàmài-chá" in China, "Mugicha" in Japan and "Boricha" in Korea.
Some of the suspected health benefits associated with Barley waters:
*Help controlling cholesterol levels
*Lowered risk of cavities
*Improved circulation
*Lower blood pressure
*Antioxidant properties
*Improved digestive health and regularity
*Improves sleep patterns
*Can promote weight loss
*Helps with congestion
This drink is really refreshing.I usually end up going through it quicker then I imagine.Great for keeping cool in the summer. It can be drank warm
too. This tea is served year round in the east.
I like this drink because it's cheap to make, and there are a wide variety of options to play with.I like boiling it with ginger slices for
example.Straight up is great, some prefer it prepared with a bit of juice, fruit slices or a little sugar.
My grandparents used to just throw the barley in some water and set it to brew.I prefer to roast the barley before hand, it adds a deeper flavour to
the drink.A variety of barley can be used, I usually use pearl barley.It's cheap and I get it in the bulk section of my local grocery store.
I roast the barley in a frying pan, usually doing about 2 or 3 cups worth.You simply put just barley in the pan on medium low heat and stir/toss
occasionally for 5 to 10 minutes depending on how rich you want the flavour. 10 minutes is about right for me, you want to keep an eye on it while
toasting.(So it roasts evenly.)It's a good idea to keep the fan on and crack the door or window.The barley can get smoky quick, so keep in mind your
smoke detectors.
After it's had a chance to cool, store it for use.
Making the tea:
-2 to 3 tablespoons to 4 cups of water(about 1 liter)
-1/2 cup barley to 2 quarts water(about 1.9 liters)
1)Rinse the barley briefly
2)Place barley in pot
3)Add water
4)Bring to boil
5)Simmer for 10 to 20 minutes to taste
Strain and store in the fridge.It can be drank warm as well.Eat the barley for extra credit.
Barley tea is refreshing, and you may not have heard of it.Toasted it has a rich flavour, and is a healthy drink for the summer.Hopefully, this is
another option for you to stay hydrated.
It's best to drink gradually, drinking it too quick can upset one's stomach. It can go bad too, if it tastes strange or the texture is off, throw it
out.I haven't encountered this, I usually make it on the stove.It's best to consume it within a couple days.
On a more serious note, if you have Celiac disease,gluten sensitivity, or allergies to cereals, Barley water isn't recommended for you.Barley water
may lower blood sugar levels, so diabetics and individuals going into surgery should talk to their doctor before drinking this.