posted on Jun, 29 2017 @ 09:15 AM
a reply to:
Hi Chirp! Thanks for that. I'm a runner and a cyclist - or rather, before my back started giving me more problems than usual a couple years ago I
was. (Now I'm an elliptical-er and weightlifter.)
I do like being outside, and especially running throughout the year. If you're out there regularly, you notice lots of different things. A couple
years back I went up to the Boundary Waters Canoe Area. Now THAT'S "getting outside" - it's well-preserved wilderness. No motorized vehicles allowed
- only canoes and feet. Wild rice growing in huge swaths in the shallow lakes, juvenile bald eagles in their nests, being able to canoe out to the
middle of the lake and fill your water bottle right from the lake - you realize how artificial our lives in cities - even small cities - are.
Convenient and comfortable, yes, but artificial.
And yes, you make sense.