a reply to:
Do you know how long Britain has been run covertly behind the throne by intelligence agencies and the agencies run by the Masonic fraternity?
007= Two Ball Cane, is from John Dee the occultist to the queen.
Tubal-Cain, a figure revered by Masons for inventing the use of metal in the Bible, from the line of Cain, is what it means.
My point is that Masonry/Bnai Brit and the central Bank of London have been in control of London since before the WW1 at least. This is not news.
It was British intelligence agencies that masterminded the demise of the Ottoman Empire, work at Oxford and Cambridge revising history, have been
creating schisms so the Colonizers could conquer foreign lands more easily and the colonial oppression that is today called "Secularism", is also
the brain child of British intelligence.
Installed the Saudi regime too.
Sponsored Wahhabism and Salafism as their favorite form of Islam, one reason being interest was illegal in Islam until the Saudis legalized it.
Dubai is named after the Masonic Hiram Abiud, they say Abiff, but the Hiram they mean is the one who lived in the time of Herod A-GRIP-PA, and the
Temple they are obsessed with is his, not the first Temple.
Sabbattai Arabia.
Intelligence agencies have always been more powerful than elected officials, no oversight, or little, and they can assassinate anyone and blame anyone
for it.
Kennedy threatened to "Splinter the CIA into a million pieces."
Instead they just killed him. Right next to an obelisk.
edit on 5-6-2017 by Disturbinatti because: (no reason given)