On the bridge of the other side.
Don't know why but I started Channeling right now ? is that still allowed on ATS ? Back in 2009 once a human somewhere in the universe and now 2017?
a ? A dutchguy going insane or seeing the truth ? Doesn't matter.
Veritas Que vadis , can you meet me half way from the black ip's (pun intended) Stay Strong ATS ! you're the best there is.
whoooaaa....Fergie is just sooo hot.. Girls need boys like servers need clients.
b3tw I is that elephant
edit on 642017 by frenchfries because: (no reason given)
edit on 642017 by frenchfries because: (no reason given)
oh gosh oh lolly visited by a stranger., my own song... frenchfries....... with morphine... mix in some triptamine lol... and machine elfs look like