posted on Jun, 27 2003 @ 11:02 AM
Overall... QuickTime is the most reliable, efficient, stable video distribution format. It is the oldest format around, and has had the most
development dollars devoted to getting things right. It's also the only current format that supports a broad range of open standards.
However, much of that development effort has been aimed at giving QuickTime video authors diverse tools for managing the details of how a video plays
on computer systems. As a result, inexperienced authors can end up making videos that don't run well, crash browsers, or worse. So when things go
wrong... don't blame the format, blame the author.
That being said... your original problem is probably due to some installed software (likely also the cause of your pop-up problem) has changed your
computer's default settings for playing video. An easy thing to do on Windows machines unfortunately.
Also, on Windows, a multitude of subtle details like how many apps are open, how long your computer has been up, the current sunspot cycle, etc. will
have an influence on QT performance.