posted on Jun, 3 2017 @ 01:41 PM
I guess nobody can image peace any longer. Fewer and fewer public voices believe peace and co-existence are possible and the private voice seem to
mimic the same. This has been getting worse over the course of my life and fighting off despair becomes ever more difficult.
While this endless fear and need to kill has been manufactured, I don't believe it's a conscious conspiracy. It appears more of the consequence of
sociopathic standard business model' religion and it's priests.
Make no mistake, 'free market capitalism', is a religion - the US state religion.
Flying in the face of traditional 'Faith, Hope and Charity' religions, it has changed the equation to 'Faith, Hope and Love". None of which
require pious people to take any action on their beliefs, merely 'believe' them and obey.
"Go shopping" has replaced "visiting the sick and imprisoned'.
What happened to people of good will? The 'widow' of the Christian bible that gave one of her two pennies to a beggar, where is she in modern
We've been conditioned by the forces of big business to believe there is a terrorist behind every tree and 'kill them all, let god sort them out'.
Our, so-called' entertainment, to be successful (i.e. profitable) has ever more horrific killings and torture and sadism.
Who gains? Maybe a couple of thousand out of 7 Billion. The rest of us suffer fear, insecurity and hopelessness.
And a 'strong' man, who 'will protect us' takes over as a tool of the 'owners' and the cycle of fear, insecurity and hopelessness for 'the
99%' spirals onward to ????
We all have part of the solutions - just as we all carry part of the problem. When will we start listening to one another - acknowleging the
'other's' fear and talking about our own.
WHy do we 'blame' instead of 'take responsibility'? 'The mote in your own eye....'
What a travesty ...
I hope for a world where non-violent courage, rational courage, moral courage is valued and those who possess this courage are given power with the
citizenry. Where 'bullies' (individual and collective) are called the cowards that they are and not lionized and given power over others.
A world where power is always accountable to the people and not just the powerful.
What do you hope for?