a reply to:
how did we break up? lol.
i dont even know.
i dont want to talk anymore about it as it mixes personal things into woo things and its all so tangled anything i say will be wrong.
but she ended it on the phone with that sexy azz voice of hers. she made a new online hideout for us after and we talked sometimes but both our hearts
would almost explode just being on the same forum. ive never felt feelings so intense... so it just faded and the way she is she got kicked out of
that forum as well. actually youve probably all talked to her as she had 20 accounts.
i had a recording of her voive that somehow ended up on my new phone and when id play music on random all the sudden her voice was there saying
hello.. i eventually deleted it but it was nice for awhile. had to move on. funny though i dated one girl since and had some flings but now i just
dont have any interest. ive been single getting close to 2 years.
demons are not something you see honestly. the presence is in the mind and through the air. demons as well is just a placeholder i use. its the
closest human word i know to the experience.
electronics do things they cant even do.. the same is said of alien encounters and bremuda triangle no?
I would describe it as an interdemensional portal into the human..
but i wouldnt say its only from intelligent organizations of energy.. sometimes its more like the sun and the earth and the human and the other human
energetically collide and shaky goes the matrix.
ill recap some things though. i tried to lie but she knew what was happening all the time. i was either under constant surveilence or the thing was in
my head that was in her head or she was me and i was her.. i dont know but things, even if i was being watched, no one should know. youd have to be in
my head seeing through my eyes. ok so for instance i was in my room during the day she kept her room dark all the time so i thought i would too that
day to meditate.. i knocked off the curtain rod by accident and the pircing sunlight burned my eyes. almost instint headache. facebook atarts going
off like mad. ouch wtf my eyes!! what are you doing its too bright! something to that effect.
our fights were always highlighted by the most horrific storms that came out of nowhere. sunny and 2 minutes later the sky just dims and opens up and
hail so strong it broke parts of the plane and gas tank to a motorcycle my uncle was building.
how she knew he was either home or away at every moment was uncanny.
one night she said i put the heat on you now. that night 7 men with big dogs and flashlights were all around the house shining lights all around.. a
jet flew over so low and fast it couldnt have been commercial.. must have been close to a sonic boom.. crazy sound and i worked at a big airport for
awhile and was very close to lots of planes this was way way nutier..
next day everytime i tried to leave the house people were watching me and had radios. when i finally decided ef it and went outside anyway cops ran up
on me we fought i only wanted to get away. tased tased my worlds on fire drugged wake up in hospital. no one will tell me anything so i leave. i was
in the only room the phone didnt work so said the nurse..
it was all kinds of weirdness.
i got online on ats and made posts that still exist ,
but i had pulled out my wireless adapter before that.. soooo...
but someone assured me that because i was dead i could go online anyway. that was just wtf..
all my electronics phones computers were all hacked it seemed. the internet would cut out every 7 minutes when we were talking. it scared the hell out
of my mom and little brother to the point they made me leave the house. i went there to "get out of the lock on" so i hid at another place, and saw a
friend randomly got in there car to another town they were seeing another friend for dinner from there i went with that other friend to their house
all without saying a word and no electronics on me.
i went online without logging into anything.
but then i logged into facebook from an exes computer and saw that girl knew where i was.. she called it the witches house. i knew what that meant.
its not about you and how much you have to scroll, its more about me not wanting people to scroll through anymore. that is my past. now im alive again
reverbs version 2, rebounded from the abyss.
i left out all the really weird stuff honestly, but thats the stuff i cant be sure about in any kind of way.
who knows..
i remember she played me a song that doesnt exist.
the link was broken after. it was "all of the lights," but it was warped.. but so was i warped with all the stress. it was one of her spells.
according to her that is.
she channeled beings and whatever she says. but she also said she was a psycopath and gas lighting was something she could do easily.
my psychic is one thing.
hers was a whole different level.
together though?
we could have broke the universe.
Thats all ill say as i feel bad if im misrepresenting her, even though she almost got me killed multiple times.
in the end i dont know if i was talking to her all the time or if someone was hijacking the lines.. like she was just a vessel and something else was
in our heads. and who knows. that power that i felt was like nothing human. it was god like.
edit on 19-5-2019 by Reverbs because: (no reason given)