Fox is reporting that NY Port Authority are claiming that the received "erronous threats" via phone. Originally the caller claimed 7 person on the
watch list were on board. The claim was only one.
I think the key here is erronous threats. Seems to me to be code for HOAX!
Bauer 51 - OH YEAH ... I forgot about that. Good point!
Wonder what is up for next week ... hmmm ....
Ash Wednesday in Rome, Mardi Gra, Super Bowl ...
Target rich environment.
I fly often also and will be flying more in 2005 and 2006. I do appreciate the security. However, their is a line that can not be crossed. For
everyone that line is different.
There needs to be a definition for
1. Heightened security in time of need.
2. Unneeded Heightened security
3. All out police state.
I live near an Air Force Base. You still can't get into the off-base housing unless you live there or get called in. I used to play basketball
there. Not anymore.
A terrorist doesn't need a bomb or a gun anymore. All he needs is a telephone. The government and the media will do the rest of his work for him.
If the goal of a terrorist is to strike fear into a larger enemy, and force policy change, and make his enemy's ways more like his own, then the
terrorists have won.