a reply to:
I go into detail about Strieber and the Whitman shooting in the paper at
strieberthekey.com. There are at
least two different accounts Strieber gave to interviewers in the early eighties. You can read them in the paper in full. Strieber was old enough to
have been there and was a college student, I believe, at the time. (Would have to go back and double-check.) But a few things are notable: years later
when his mother was interviewed, his mother said that he was in Austin the day of the shooting but not on campus. (The sort of detail you'd think a
mother would recall - whether her son's life was in danger or not.) Another thing: in both accounts, Strieber vividly describes a boy in a bicycle
getting his head blown off by the sniper. Problem is, the youngest male victim was a Mark Gabour who was killed upstairs in the tower. There's more to
it than this; you'd have to take a look in the paper, the last part of it.
In response to
Antar above:
I used to think as you do - that whatever was going on with Strieber, he at least was sincere. Everything the guy says seems to be in deadly earnest,
after all, and clearly he's been traumatized, etc. But actually: he's full of BS. And his sincerity act is part of the BS. If you read the paper,
you'll see how his whole 'I was raped' thing evolved. For example, how he started claiming in the 2000s that it 'took [him] twenty-five years to tell
his wife' he'd been raped. Meanwhile, you can go back and see that he was referring to the rectal probe as rape as early as
Communion, he'd
been comparing rape to abduction the whole time since that book, etc. Strieber has built a whole mythology around his victimhood. Claiming that South
Park ruined his career, for instance, and not his involvement in Hale Bopp or the general deterioration in the quality of his books. Seems to me a
true victim doesn't need to sculpt a narrative on how he's been victimized. When you look at Strieber's material for the last twenty years, it's
always: a) he's been victimized, he's a martyr; and b) he's the most unique man in the universe who's been somehow involved in Roswell, cattle
mutilations, the 'drones', 9/11, the Kennedy assassination, time slips, and everything else you can think of.
The final proof for me (that Strieber's no better than anybody else) is when this paper came out, Strieber got on his website and told the world he
'knew' who the author of the paper was: that it was an anti-Semitic neo-Nazi who'd been treated for mental illness. This came as something of a
surprise to me as
Curb Your Enthusiasm is my favorite show; I love the 'Joos' (William Shatner is a Jew!); and they haven't put me in the
mental hospital just yet... but who knows, could happen any minute.
So, no, Strieber's Mr. Earnest routine doesn't work for me anymore. He's a man who overreached, in my opinion, and out of pure intellectual vanity
tried to make himself the center of the contact phenomenon back in the '80s. When that failed and the aliens didn't land and make Whitley the
philosopher-king of the world, it was a blow to his ego from which he's never recovered. Now he nurses his wounded feelings in public, and when
somebody bothers to criticize him, the person must be a Nazi. I really sort of dislike the guy now, but I concur with what
Kandinsky posted
above - that luckily, his work doesn't get any real traction at this point.