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Humans And Their Alien Origin

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posted on Feb, 4 2005 @ 10:35 AM
HI all,

Im new here just registered today whilst doing some reaserch for a new book im planning to write.

I am planning to write a fiction novel based on evidence that mankind has indeed derived from an alien race.

This novel will go indepth into our history and present the idea that Jesus was indeed a real being but not of this world.

It will also cover the near distruction of the human race by Lucifer, a cast out member of the race that created us.

The details are a little sketchy at present, some of the content will be based on research I am carrying out at present and some will be my own ideas and interpretations of old paintings / bibal text.

I have the whole story planned in a patchy manner in my head but for obvious reasons dont want to go into too much detail yet.

Can you give me any feedback on how you would receive a works like this and if you think the idea has potential.

It will be in no way a copy of CHARIOTS OF THE GODS by ERICH von DANIKEN but this will be one of my research tools as well as some of the points of view expressed here.

The evidence for our origins points dramatically at this thoery and I would love to write a works that builds on it awakens more people to this idea.

Your feedback on this idea would be appreciated.




posted on Feb, 4 2005 @ 11:02 AM
interesting, sice I doent belive in aliens on this plannet I have nothing to add but hope you can shere you novell after you are finish

posted on Feb, 4 2005 @ 12:02 PM
Search for UFOs in artwork (I believe there is even a site dedicated to this). There are several old paintings of Jesus' conception that involve images of flying saucers, and they are museum art pieces. They should go a LONG way in emphasizing your point. If I get you correctly, you're looking to do a DaVinci Code-esque work, so you'll really have to do your research. It should be a fairly easy point to support though....just remember, that just as in any good debate...what you DON'T tell the reader, is more important than what you do tell...

posted on Feb, 4 2005 @ 05:29 PM
I think it has alot of potential within the SciFi genre,
I'd buy a copy when it came out.

posted on Feb, 4 2005 @ 05:44 PM
It sounds like a thoroughly interesting concept. I'd definitely buy a copy. Although, I wouldn't expect people to totally buy into it, and accept it as gospel, it certainly has potential on the Sci-Fi market. I'd just be wary of extreme protest by conservative Christian groups for trying to redefine their entire religious and spiritual structure in terms of aliens. Then again, controversy does a bestseller make (who remembers the book "The Last Temptation of Christ"?).

I wish you luck in this, and please keep us posted as to when you're done. I'm sure you'll get sales from, at the very least, other ATS members.

posted on Feb, 4 2005 @ 11:38 PM
My freind you need only to use the search features if this site. Then their is google.

My only observation is that their is no "physical" evidence obtained from NON-GOVEREMENT citizens . Only the need to know will have this information.

HOWEVER we citizens are trying to figure out the TRUTH without Disclosure from the gov.

REALLY THEY HAVE NO CLUE AND THINK ON A MATHEMAICAL SCALE and not a spritually scale. ( Have you ever heard of the crow scratching on the iron post)

posted on Feb, 5 2005 @ 02:04 AM
Sounds like a friggin awesome book!

posted on Feb, 5 2005 @ 02:11 AM
someone in 3500 bc beat you to it!
called it anunnaki in babylon, which many have written about.

But i hope your book doesnt add to all the disinfo about any one of the aliens claiming to be our creators....

posted on Feb, 11 2005 @ 06:31 PM
Hello People,

Sorry i have not been able to wriye sooner, been laid up in bed for a week with flu. Aghhh.

Thanks for all your feedback and suggestions. I promise there will be no diss information in this and i realise the views certain religious groups may have with the work.

However i do stress it will be published as a works of fiction, its just the idea's are a possability.

Pen will start to go to paper, well fingers to keyboards soon on the parts that dont need so much research but it is a mamoth task but i think i'll burst if i dont have a go at writing it.

I promise if sucsessful it will be an original works and no Davinchi Code spin off, id never dream of copying such a masterpiece or ever hope to write a book as good as this.

I will keep you posted.



posted on Feb, 23 2005 @ 07:10 PM
This is a sample of thhe kind of write up im planning for the reverse of the cover.

'A UFO crashes in the rocky mountains, shot down by the military.

A strange and beautiful girl is found half drowned by the river bank by two friends nearby.

It soon become clear to them that there is much more to her than meets the eye and infact she may hold the very answers to the evolution of the human spicies.

Mean while the US defence secretary is taken hostage while on a peace keeping mission to South Korea.

In helping the girl it transpires the three events are strangely linked and they find them selfs caught up in a desperate race to save huminty from the worst disaster in modern history.'

This is a first copy of my idea for the book summery, any one have any feed back, the project is now underway.

I appreciate your support.


posted on Feb, 23 2005 @ 08:02 PM
doood, I hope your grammar and spelling are better in the book than in your posts!!!

posted on Feb, 23 2005 @ 08:28 PM
Sign up for an ATS webmail account!

When it goes to press, be sure to have them put 'Steve may be contacted by sending an email to [email protected]' in the 'about the author' part. Simon will love the traffic.

We all would love to read what you find.

Include the Egyptians (Duat), Greeks (Olympus), Chinese (Sons of Heaven), Dogon (Syrius Mystery), Iroquois (The Hollow World In The Sky), and Nazca (Geoglyphs) in your studies of the Bible and Zechariah Sitchin- along with any others you may find who claim otherworldly origins.

You may find this helpful: legendarytimes.

Also, check out the history of the Battlestar Galactica series. The Mormon dude who wrote it (Glen Larson) was influenced by Joseph Smith's stories of the Planet Kolob. Smith wrote this stuff in the 1800's, and either dreamed it up (possible) or got it from the Indians or Masons or... (interesting).

Really, when you dig into this you are going to find it is the Universal Myth. The Church buried it in the Dark Ages, the Enlightenment tried to blind us with science, but the myth lives on. At least for Cherokees.

[edit on 23-2-2005 by Chakotay]

posted on Feb, 23 2005 @ 11:25 PM

Originally posted by Gazrok
Search for UFOs in artwork (I believe there is even a site dedicated to this). There are several old paintings of Jesus' conception that involve images of flying saucers, and they are museum art pieces. They should go a LONG way in emphasizing your point. If I get you correctly, you're looking to do a DaVinci Code-esque work, so you'll really have to do your research. It should be a fairly easy point to support though....just remember, that just as in any good debate...what you DON'T tell the reader, is more important than what you do tell...

I think a book depicting 'exactly' how it all transpired would top the charts ...

If you ask me Jesus was a human ..
The UFO's depict mans adversary, that of course, also being his creator.

Genesis speaks clearly of Elohims desire to block mans progression.

Gen 3:5-
For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.

From here the bible goes on to speak of the union between ET's and Earthlings which produce children who possess 'god' like abilities.

Elohim immediately rids the planet of these superior offspring, mans springboard to godhood, if you will ...

The book also speaks of the land these unions were taking place in,
Gaza, the same place we see a landing strip today as well as perhaps the first documented 'welcome sign' ...

Gaza also happens to be the homeland of Herod, who sought to kill a baby known today as Jesus.

Jesus seems to denounce these ET's as well ....

My basic point is that if you depict Jesus as an ET you will only be ridiculed for lack of any sort of evidence whatsoever ...


posted on Feb, 24 2005 @ 12:37 AM

Originally posted by Steve_B_UK
HI all,

Im new here just registered today whilst doing some reaserch for a new book im planning to write.

I am planning to write a fiction novel based on evidence that mankind has indeed derived from an alien race.

This novel will go indepth into our history and present the idea that Jesus was indeed a real being but not of this world.

It will also cover the near distruction of the human race by Lucifer, a cast out member of the race that created us.

The details are a little sketchy at present, some of the content will be based on research I am carrying out at present and some will be my own ideas and interpretations of old paintings / bibal text.

I have the whole story planned in a patchy manner in my head but for obvious reasons dont want to go into too much detail yet.

Can you give me any feedback on how you would receive a works like this and if you think the idea has potential.

It will be in no way a copy of CHARIOTS OF THE GODS by ERICH von DANIKEN but this will be one of my research tools as well as some of the points of view expressed here.

The evidence for our origins points dramatically at this thoery and I would love to write a works that builds on it awakens more people to this idea.

Your feedback on this idea would be appreciated.



hi i would like to tell you that we didn't or wasn't made from this so called lucifer as you speak i know because i am one of the people who was there the day they did the remote viewing session they decided to go back in time to see what really killed the diosaurs what really amazed them is that they didn't just go back to the dinosaur age nor was they looking at earth but they were looking at mars yes i said mars it was actually inhabitable before the dinosaur age though they did not look exactly like us they shared the same characteristics during the time of the dinosaur the happy little planet started to become more technolagical advanced but due to the advances the planet became more unstable then one day some thing got set off and every thing that was living on the planet mars was destroyed though some of the people escaped the destruction they landed on our planet and started to restart every thing from scratch

posted on Feb, 24 2005 @ 01:55 AM
1. lucifer means bearer of light (catholics added it as a description)
means venus, morning star, bright morning light NOT the DEVIL/DRAGON/SERPENT

posted on Feb, 24 2005 @ 04:26 AM

I know the grammer and spelling in the summery are crap lol, it was very late when i wrote it and just put my first thoughts down but i think it gets the general message over.

Rest assured i will take my time in writing and make sure its perfect.

posted on Feb, 24 2005 @ 06:44 AM
Well you'd better hurry up and start writing that book.
I think they might land soon.

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