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posted on May, 24 2017 @ 04:52 AM
I am Wardy22227
Have been a HUGE lurker for quiet some time. Since i had to lie to my mother that my internet usage wasn't over actually
. I enjoy the unknown the "different ", the world and life. Human consciousness especially is my passion what makes everyone tick.

Feel free to contribute to my life long study of what makes YOU tick.

I am from Sydney Australia, in the past ive been too patriotic in my posts and possibly a bit of a #####. I just have no time for anyone who terrorises or attempts to hurt, scare or intimidate people just doing their own thing.

Thanks for your time.... Are the aliens here yet?

posted on May, 24 2017 @ 05:01 AM
a reply to: Wardy22227

Have been a HUGE lurker for quiet some time.

Lurkers tend to be quiet for some time...

its a tragic story...

I wrote about it...once upon a time, but no one listened...

posted on May, 24 2017 @ 05:29 AM

originally posted by: Akragon
a reply to: Wardy22227

Have been a HUGE lurker for quiet some time.

Lurkers tend to be quiet for some time...

its a tragic story...

I wrote about it...once upon a time, but no one listened...

Haha great post. If i am ignored thats fine with me just contribute to the important topics (like i never did
). Personally even before my account i was still a teen and then early twenties, honestly i probably didnt have a great deal of anything good to say. Just interested about mysterious/aliens/paranormal
I have learned a bit now about life and while i still dont have my answers theres not a day that goes by that i dont check this site on the toilet
or before sleep so stuff it might as well say hi

posted on May, 24 2017 @ 08:11 AM
Think this was meant for introductions.
I'll work this posting business out soon hopefully

posted on May, 24 2017 @ 08:40 AM
a reply to: Wardy22227

What about lying to your mother??

posted on May, 24 2017 @ 01:00 PM
a reply to: Wardy22227

Welcome to ATS

posted on May, 24 2017 @ 01:11 PM
a reply to: Wardy22227

Ello Sheila

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