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Disclosure, would it equal chaos?

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posted on Feb, 10 2005 @ 03:57 PM

Originally posted by Heartagram

The worst case scenario would be that we as Human beings would plunge into the depths of insecurity and living would seem useless.If I were "The Powers That Be" watching over us,be it humans/god/aliens,I will never give a full disclosure to the public unless I am 101% sure that they're ready for it.This is why I understand the cover-up for all the mess is a neccessity for everyone involved.

[edit on 10/2/05 by Heartagram]

Maybe this would happen...maybe not. Just maybe total disclosure would galvanize the human race into setting aside our petty bickerings. Maybe President Regan started the step towards disclosure when he explained (I'm paraphrasing) that if a threat or knowledge of beings from another world presented itself, we would set aside our differences and unite together. Maybe disclosure would be a wonderful thing in the long run for humanity. We would no longer see ourselves as separate-disjoint pieces of humanity, fighting and squabbling over territory and resources. Just maybe...we would pull together as the family of humanity...and see ourselves as part of something greater than our nations, governments, and religions. I would hope this would happen and not worldwide chaos. Now this idea of humanity unifying and placing less emphasis on nationalistic concerns and loyality would be the greatest threat to world powers and governments. Can't control the masses, if they feel they possibly have something better to work towards and be part of.

posted on Feb, 10 2005 @ 07:30 PM
Honestly, I still subscribe to the theory that we won't have disclosure until the world is truly sick of war. Seeing the state of the world at this point, the only thing that might make the world sick of war would be a vastly devastating world war - nuclear fire, 1/3 to 1/2 of the world's population dead, etc. I think after the world realizes just the predicament we've gotten ourselves into, then they'd be willing to settle their differences, and finally be ready for disclosure.

The sad part is, seeing the state of the world at the moment, a third world war wouldn't surprise me. If it does come, I only hope that those of us who are intelligent enough to already know the consequences survive it. Of course, a nuclear war would be a highly indiscriminate killer. Our chances would be no better or worse than anyone else's. I know my chances suck, living only 20 miles from Washington DC, and right in the middle of the NYC to DC east coast "kill zone."

If it were to happen, though... I would imagine that any aliens that are here on a friendly level would then reveal themselves, hoping to be able to unify what was left, and help us pick up the pieces.

We may never know the whole truth, but we'd at least know part of it.

posted on Feb, 10 2005 @ 09:12 PM
Interesting topic. Several good points posted. But one scenerio no one has discussed is that diclosure comes by way of a threat. I think the only way the government will disclose anything is when an event occurs that they can't cover up. Then they will say "Well we didn't know" and want a huge budget for defensive weapons to counteract a threat. I don't think the governments of the world will treat them as freinds. In the book Disclosure, by Dr. Greer, he has testimony from Carol Rosin who was the spokesperson for Werner Von Braun, who said first the enemy would be the communist, then it would be the terrorrists, then it would be the aliens (Appearently he has inside info). Two out of three so far.

posted on Feb, 10 2005 @ 11:10 PM

Originally posted by keymaster
You assume that alien visitors have a hostile agenda. If they were going to destroy us or enslave us, don't you think they already would have? Although our technology isn't as advanced as theirs, it is more advanced than it was in the early 1900's. We have had reports of sightings since man started recording history. Why would they not eliminate us before we might pose a possible threat to them?

I believe we were brought here by an alien race and they monitor us. We are a scientific study or entertainment for them. Picture an ant farm on an entire planet. Welcome to Earth.

Heh, I've actually thought about that too. For one reason why are we the only species on the planet that has advanced as far as we have? Other species have occupied this planet long before us and still exist today.

Well anyway. Yes I do assume they would be hostile, either hostile or indifferent.

In other words either way you look at it we would not really matter much, or if as you say we have been under observation for some time, we don't really matter much to whomever.

posted on Feb, 10 2005 @ 11:23 PM

Originally posted by rwatkins
Interesting topic. Several good points posted. But one scenerio no one has discussed is that diclosure comes by way of a threat. I think the only way the government will disclose anything is when an event occurs that they can't cover up. Then they will say "Well we didn't know" and want a huge budget for defensive weapons to counteract a threat. I don't think the governments of the world will treat them as freinds. In the book Disclosure, by Dr. Greer, he has testimony from Carol Rosin who was the spokesperson for Werner Von Braun, who said first the enemy would be the communist, then it would be the terrorrists, then it would be the aliens (Appearently he has inside info). Two out of three so far.

That's probably correct. heh

Kinda like if a 15 mile wide UFO appeared over a few major cities. I think it could not be hidden or cast aside at this point.

posted on Feb, 26 2005 @ 04:35 PM
Honestly, we as people could handle disclosure on this subject for the simple reason that UFO's are common knowledge. Everyone know about them and you either beleive or dont.
I've seen hectic and graphic footage on this very webiste and on the news etc that a few years ago wouldnt have been as widely accepted. We can watch disturbing footage and have mad thoughts and still go to sleep at night.
Probably as an APril fool joke they should say "Aliens Exist" to gauge reaction, if people freak out and jump off cliffs then they say it was a joke but if its accepted as "What, theyre real? Imagine that?" then it wont be soo bad and give the whole story...?

But there are 2 major conflicting stories:
1. Is the government knows about aliens and have greys on the bases etc.

2.They dont have a clue and keep blaming balloons, gas and flares...

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