posted on Feb, 15 2005 @ 09:46 PM
I know I have been absent for a couple of days (mundane life interfering in my greater work, dammit *laugh*). There have been many interesting topics
posted on here, and perhaps I can shed some light for some of you.
Scarab, you asked about the Catholic God, as well as other gods in general. In my experience, there is no "one true god," as in no one god from any
one religion is the "true" god. They are all entities that exist from the belief placed in them. With enough belief, any entity can be elevated as
a god, or new entities can be created from the sheer power of belief. Remeber, belief is reality. The Christian God (emcompassing every branch of
Christianity) is a combination of many gods (often based on the polytheistic ancient religions) encompassed in a single entity. That singular entity
does exist, because of the belief in this diety from the followers of the Christian God. As far as what god you should believe in, that is all a very
personal thing. I've always believed that each of us have their own god, within ourselves. We have been blessed with free will, we're always told
to believe in ourselves, etc. In essence, all of this belief in ourselves has caused each of us to be our own god. It is only oneself that can
control their destiny. To answer your question, the "true" god is the one that you feel is right. Look into yourself, and answer that question for
Kancay, You obviously have many questions unanswered. Unfortunately, I don't know what advice you need, without you asking the correct questions.
From what you've already stated, however, you do seem to have a grasp on the direction you need to take. Just be patient. Rarely does one ever know
their path and purpose quickly. Some never find out. Emotion is a strong force, and one that is good to learn to understand. If that is your lesson
to be learned here, that is one of the most important ones. Be vigilant about your efforts to learn. Also, I don't believe you offended anyone with
your wish to leave the mortal coil. That is not an uncommon reaction for someone that has not fully awakened. I myself had those feelings for many
years after my initial awakening. I would be a hypocrite to tell you that was wrong. I will offer any advice that I have to you, given you ask the
questions. Everyone's needs for advice are different, and without your questions, I could give you the wrong advice for this lifetime. I wish not
to cloud your growth with wrong or improper information. Ask me your questions, and I shall answer. One final thought for you. Raw energy does not
have an alignment. It is not light, neutral, or dark. It simply exists. Spiritual energy is much like electricity, as in it is simply there to be
used, and does not perform a purpose as such, until harnessed and manipulated. The use and manipulation of the energy is what determines its final
Finally, I wish to extend another thank you to Amelia and Greenmansmind, two whom I have started to feel as kin. Thank you for being the souls that
you are, and assisting those who need assistance. Even though I walk a different path from the both of you (I walk the twilight between light and
dark, and both of you are very definitely light souls), in this age, we are all of the light. Thank you.