reply to post by chutso_ha
don't think so....the old souls of the "new creation" will be some of those from this creation. the lumerians and atlantians might still be
around, but then who knows, maybe not.
as far as who will actually do the creating, well, that would be THE CREATOR, he might chose some to use as tools, but without HIM, the creation
would not last too long.
as far as my son goes, he's now an adult. he was known to have siezures when he was a child, was labeled learning disabled, and well, with emotional
problems too. He was quite a challenge when he was small, once got mad at me while I was driving down the highway at 50mph, opened the door with the
intention of getting out....ya, he was quite a challenge.
but, well, he seems to be doing pretty good now, has a job he likes, gets paid more than me, and well, seems to be lasting for him.
he also had a way of saying some really, really strange things, I have no idea where he came up with them, or why he said them, but well...kind of
freaked me out every now and then.
I don't know if these children would be the indigo or the crystal children, susposedly my son had an indigo, and well....he isn't nothing like my
son was.
[edit on 26-11-2007 by dawnstar]