posted on May, 22 2017 @ 06:48 PM
a reply to:
Sorry but total and utter Bull Cookies, I joined here because of a post on another site I was told I would see some REAL proof have I yet NO.
If I see it I would back it 100% real proof is likely to be photographic or video. Many members like me are longtime photographers with good to pro
level grear.
We know the issues with equipment and images yet people seem to think some cretin with an iphone that seems to see a ufo every other day is
On the 2012 forum we used to get posts of lens flare claimed to be Nibiru or if the camera or phone was pointed directly at the Sun a black dot would
be seen due to the sensor being overloaded.
Any dot of light at night is Mog from Zog even on airport flight paths. Morphing ufo's another common video subject caused by auto focus hunting.
Then we get the small black dots on daylight videos or stills most likely small insects. or birds that become ufo's travelling at mach 5+.
Or the estimates for objects height or speed when they dont know a size or distance.
You will find many members like me will post an example of one of our shots or someone elses to prove the point.
As you know many members are out for long hours taking pictures of the night sky yet with all the good gear and skill to use it we are never lucky.
Since the Calling all Astrophotographers thread was started thousands of hours have been spent and probably as much on processing.
Now if that doesn't make people think twice what will so heres to seeing real proof or better still taking it.