a reply to:
At least once in my life, back in 88 or 89 I was with a friend and his two cousin's, felt like the outsider though as they were family and I was not,
we had gone to Snowdonia national park were Jude had hired a converted sheep shed for us to stay in conveniently just up a farm track from the road
and opposite the local pub which as you know is a pre-requisite for young men though non of us drank more than a pint or two.
On the day we got there it was sunny but weather in Snowdonia is very changable and that night it blew up a real rain storm with high wind's and
lashing rain, by the morning the field outside which had been jam packed with other's on a weekend trip but whom had stayed in tent's was completely
abandoned with only two washed out collapsed tent's to show for the previous day's bustling camper's.
We were there for three day's, the weather was too bad to go up the next day and so we just wandered around as young exploring, the only youngish
lady whom was the attention of all the lady starved guy's in the pub was rather plain and also far older than us so chasing after the local lady's was
not a question, not that I personally would as I was never an extrovert.
By the middle day the other's said what the hell we'll go up tomorrow.
That night I had a terrible presentment come over me, a feeling of my own death coming and so I prayed, not so much for myself but for my family,
friend's and even my enemy's when a sudden feeling of something indescribably huge came over me as I lay there, a voice but not sound I Can not
describe it but it was definitely MALE and it said simply these words.
"Do not be afraid my son this is neither the time nor the place"
I cringed like when somebody answers you and you feel self conscious, aware of all your own flaw's and afraid of how you must be viewed for your
failure's as a person and I was only a young kid compared to what I am like today so how much worse would I feel now.
But I found a sense of peace and safety come over me and myself relaxing and going into a peaceful deep sleep.
The following morning we walked to the base of the cog railway, the train was not running in that weather, still constant rain and a fair but not bad
wind, so we walked up the railway until Jude whom had been that way before said follow me and we headed off to the left of the uphill track along a
narrow scree covered path coming eventually to a narrow ledge, about two foot at most wide that dropped off into mist down a very steep side
overlooked by a short cliff rock face about twelve feet high.
Jude who could climb anything scrambled up like it was nothing and I was next, the rain was in my eye's blinding me and I could not see, I had to let
go of one point of contact to reach for a seeming hand hold and it came away as it turned out to be a we moss covered bit of debris, I fell backward
my heel's landing backward on the narrow ledge and my body leaning out into the mist filled void but Jude's two cousin's Andy and John simultaneously
and lightning like each got hold of one of my wrists saving me from what I believe was a certain death.
I had not been able to make out an image on the wall and neither had the other's, it was dark and moody but hard to make out but as I walked back
into the shed I could see it clearly, the image was a shepherd with a hood up, a staff in one hand, a sheep over his shoulder and another peering out
of his long dark robe as the rain fell around him obscuring him from view.
The only way I can describe it is as if a being is all around you, inside you and yet above you, it speak's to you and know's you better than you
know yourself and indeed it know's everything.
I have had many experiences in my life including paranormal but this was nothing like any of them, I really do believe it was the Lord.
I am convinced I am a serious disappointment though.
But then God does not make mistake's and he most cerainly does know what he is doing, or non of us would be here right now would we.