Greetings to all my brethren and sistren.
I am finally joining ATS after being a lurker since 2006-2007 days.
I used to have an account but forgot the details so i decided to start again.
I have a lot of questions and are willing to offer my service and assistance to help anyone where possible.
Most of my topics of interest will be philosophy, religion, aliens and UFO's, space exploration and the grey area.
A little background about me;
Born a devout christian, on the fathers side, fathers father was a pastor, father is a pastor (was) and uncle is a pastor.
On my mothers side i have extreme islam running in my mothers side her grandfather a muslim, her mother was a muslim.
to cut the story short (which i will get into detail eventually in a thread) i am now a self professed agnostic after spending many years committed to
the cause of being an evangelist and a missionary, even after seeing miracles and wondrous spiritual encounters with the divine. I used to be hungry
and seeking gods heart until one day i came to a revelation and realisation of everything which led me to question my own belief and the beliefs of
others which had been programmed into my life(unwillingly). This has been happening for almost two years now and i hope i can speak comfort to anyone
who is being or has been deprogrammed from religion and are learning to get over the hurdles of being alone or having no comfort in a god who does not
exist (at least not in the sense which we give form.) There are a lot of things i could share on many threads i could start but all in due time as i
don't want to overdo my introduction
I wish to share my journey from faith to fact aswell as my fathers journey (He was a charismatic Pentecostal minister for 30 years) and now is an
agnostic as well, well he is more pantheist.
We have lost ALOT! of money, relationships and respect for turning our backs on our faith and pursuing a path of knowledge, logic and reasoning.
So with this short post of mine i hope i am able to assist anyone who has hard questions, is going through a rough time or just wants to be free from
a religious clasp and start living and thinking things out for themselves rather than waiting on a god to do everything for them blindly.
Feel free to ask me any questions about what i believe, why i believe what i do now and whether i still have the fear of god or his morals still.
Also i'm very honoured to be a part of the community after so long.
I hope this feels like home.
- Spacemonk
edit on 8-5-2017 by spacemonk because: Changed comma
edit on 8-5-2017 by spacemonk because: changed
edit on 8-5-2017 by spacemonk because: made more sense