posted on May, 9 2017 @ 01:03 AM
The Hippy Model is ironic, but it is the Democrat template for the SJW university crusader. Just like I explain to OLD school democrats, like my mom,
the parties are reversed....or at least the Dems are the opposite of what the party means in theory.
SJWs misread the image and message of the 1960's. It was organic and had an appeal, a quality of it's own....not force fed and "artificial" by
definition. It was also quite a bit ANTI-establishment, but look: government control is oddly the means to an end in the mind of SJW...still the
opposite of what anarchist/AntiFa should want, on paper.
But, together there they are, full of idiotic irony.
edit on 9-5-2017 by FlyingFox because: edit to ask, which modern ideal do you think Abbie Hoffman embodies; Libertarian-Patriot or SJW
Stormtrooper??? Would he support...Hillary?