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Palestine needs a new party

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posted on May, 7 2017 @ 06:20 PM
So over the years I have watched the Palestinian issues grow wider and wider. Palestianians keep blaming all their issues mostly on the occupation. But a lot of them don't realize a lot of their problems come from the ridiculous parties they have running their government. The two main parties which is fatah ( the guys running the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank and Hamas which has full control of Gaza but also have a lot of supporters in the West Bank.

What's sad is both of these groups are stuck to such old ideaology that they are not actually helping the palestianian people progress forward in anyway. Especially politically. Of course Palestine can not become a state when you have these crazed idiots running the country. Most of which are basically just lining their pockets up and stealing away from the palestianian economy.

all I'm saying is we need to get a new political party involved who is actually looking for peace in a realistic situation. Without demands that are unrealistic. Something that they can approach the Israelis with and actually sit on the table and work out a deal that will benefit both sides. They need fresh new minds running the show. People who are willing to look over the bloodshed and the bad history and look for a brighter future. The political groups that they have now right now will never reach that goal. Hopefully the new generation of scholars will be able to bring forth a better vision. Even the many palestianian Americans that are coming back in flocks would be able to lead a new political party which will remove these idiots in office now and lead their people to a better future.

Other then the occupation that is holding them back. They first need to look at their leaders and see how they are actually holding them back more then the occupation. The West Bank would be Bette off if it were to be annexed and under control by the Israelis at this point. Now that is not just my opinion but the opinion of many palestianians who are tired of living like sheep. Any thoughts?

posted on May, 7 2017 @ 06:57 PM
The State of Israel is happy to see the Palestinian People led by scum.

It makes their policies seem "reasonable" in comparison.

All part of the plan to destroy the Middle East.

The State of Israel will be safe.

Its enemies will be in the Fourth World.

Tribal conflict and a seventh century belief system.

posted on May, 7 2017 @ 07:56 PM

originally posted by: DarkPalSFO
all I'm saying is we need to get a new political party involved who is actually looking for peace in a realistic situation. Without demands that are unrealistic. They first need to look at their leaders and see how they are actually holding them back more then the occupation. The West Bank would be Bette off if it were to be annexed and under control by the Israelis at this point. Now that is not just my opinion but the opinion of many palestianians who are tired of living like sheep. Any thoughts?

What is wrong with a two state solution? Why must the compromise only be one-sided?

posted on May, 7 2017 @ 08:00 PM

Palestine needs a new party

Yeah , a few nights of enjoyment would ease the tensions. Maybe.
What I do at times of stress

posted on May, 7 2017 @ 08:09 PM

originally posted by: Gothmog

Palestine needs a new party

Yeah , a few nights of enjoyment would ease the tensions. Maybe.
What I do at times of stress

I had this theory that all the tensions in the ME is because the Arabs have raging toothaches and no access to good Jewish dentists.

posted on May, 8 2017 @ 12:58 AM

originally posted by: dfnj2015

originally posted by: Gothmog

Palestine needs a new party

Yeah , a few nights of enjoyment would ease the tensions. Maybe.
What I do at times of stress

I had this theory that all the tensions in the ME is because the Arabs have raging toothaches and no access to good Jewish dentists.

Well seeing as how the palestinians are not a actual people but are refugees from surrounding nations Israel fought is it any wonder why they cant do better? Their own home nations refuse to take them back in because they tried to destabilize them as well.
edit on 17000000ppam by yuppa because: oppsie

posted on May, 8 2017 @ 02:11 AM
a reply to: DarkPalSFO

Career politicians are a mistake, they focus only on keeping all the right people happy and raising money for their election next campaign.

In Palestinians case i would suggest they are likely to be secretly funded by the people on the other side who do their best to keep them in power so to speak, for as long as possible.

Representatives of the Palestinians and many other groups of people should never be in office for more than 3-4 years.

Career politicians and 'negotiators' are bad news for the people they are supposed to be representing because often they become a little bit to cosy and chummy with those they are supposed to be extracting concessions from or representin and inevitably become compromised.

posted on May, 8 2017 @ 05:52 AM
Unfortunately, the Palestinians are used and abused by outsiders to perpetuate hate and divisiveness in the Muslim world and beyond. An outbreak of peace would (for example) deprive Iran of their flag-burning, Hamas of their reason for being and a hundred and one other things.

The politics of inaction and hatred will prevail and moderates and reformers will be kept out by fear. It's no secret that Hamas (for example) persecute political opponents.

Here's a report from a few years back
edit on 8/5/2017 by paraphi because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 8 2017 @ 06:38 AM
a reply to: DarkPalSFO

I agree with your observations, but saying that Gazans should replace Hamas is like saying that the people of North Korea should replace the Workers' Party of Korea. Impossible without a major civil war.
Hamas masked gunmen regularly attack or extra-judicially execute political opposition. They allocate the vast majority of their resources towards military and terror infrastructure, and brainwash their own population. Since Hamas were elected in 2006 they have unilaterally changed the voting system and elections were never held again.
it's also important to remember that every time they find themselves back against the wall, they are starting a conflict with Israel to divert attention. This is their last resort, and if someone wants to take their place he should figure out how to overcome this.

posted on May, 9 2017 @ 07:04 AM
a reply to: DarkPalSFO

The Palestinians have the party they want. The fact that these parties are what you said they were, and yet are exactly what the people there want, says all that is needed to be said.

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