posted on May, 5 2017 @ 06:20 PM
I always pondered about why some develop a unique gift of creativity, for some, ive seen its a motivation for simple needs, nothing more and nothing
Money offers safety, food offers a full stomach and sex, well, offers a basic need of feeling something for a brief moment of time.
But do those people create something, or do they just follow the voice of our simple basic instincts, a mean to an end.
Would be great though if your reptilian cortex developed speech instead of images. Taoism has a quote, im gonna try to recall it;" Ignore the dragon
and it devours you, Fight the dragon and it empowers you, fly with the dragon and it takes you on a never ending story.
In simple aspects, the story is about mind, body and spirit working as one in balance.
Back to the point, what makes someone creative, well, i believe when someone is offered the simple needs of food for the day, a bed to sleep in, a
safe place to to dwell in, well, when the simple of basic worries in a society is taken care of. I believe that is when a person starts creating,
cause its in our DNA, we are simple toolmakers.