posted on May, 5 2017 @ 04:51 PM
a reply to:
Oh i don't know, money, to me, is simply a means to an end.
Personally i hate the stuff as it seems to be directly responsible for a hell of a lot of woe, strife, and pain not to mention avarice, war, and
geopolitical upheaval.
End of the day, in this day of age, money does not even really exist in the quantities our banks and financial institutions report short of as 1s and
0s in some server farm.
It's all just a big pyramid/ponzi scheme that ultimately will all end in tears, our tears not the bankers and corporations, but the common Mans tears.
And we facilitate these banker bastards with our trust, hopes, and dreams. Christ it you did not laugh you would have to bloody cry at the sheer
stupidity of it all.
edit on 5-5-2017 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)