posted on May, 2 2017 @ 03:17 AM
Hey everyone. I have been a lurker for at least 8 years and have enjoyed many, many good threads here. I am a 29 m from New Mexico. I wasn't born or
raised here - the desert had always intrigued me. I am very well traveled for my age, and work as a tech in the science field. I am perfectly content
in that position being that I work in a very low stress environment with no one breathing down my neck. I am literally getting paid to listen to Coast
to Coast AM, watch Family Feud, and jam out to shoegaze in the lab I have to myself. It's a dream job for the time being. I am a Navy vet and for a
handful of years did a lot of neat stuff. Part of the reason why I never joined ATS was the ethics of actually holding a TS clearance and being a part
of a community which likes to discuss things which can be construed as sensitive.
Anyway, I've spent the past 6 months doing a lot of personal reflecting, spiritual healing, and sorting through all the details of the lives we live
trying to make sense of it. I think I have finally got a grasp on the world we live in. Because of that, I figured it's time I come out of the
woodwork and start contributing. Sometimes it's hard to tell what information is real and what is fake, and I think now that I am older and wiser I
am able to better sort through it. I'm not overly smart or possess a high IQ (I know a lot of people are intrigued about IQ here), but I believe I
have been graced with the ability to think a different way than the vast majority of people - i.e. very big picture. I am joining in pursuit of
finding some like minded individuals who share the desire to engage in intellectual conversations.
My main interests of discussions right now are IQ, economics, sociology, public education, human progress, space travel, and historical great minds. I
am also very interested in UFOs and extraterrestrials. My late grandmother encountered a flying disc near Riceville, IA. It landed in a pasture nearby
their farmhouse in the mid 30's, so I have a hard time dismissing the presence of such beings. Being that this happened before the sensationalized
Roswell incident, I find her to be a very credible source. I hope this was halfway enjoyable, and I hope to engage in some great conversations here.
My posting will probably be very sporadic, but I hope we can have a great time.