I luvs me sum B-52, ever since I was a kid living in Fairchild AFB housing, and got to see 'em on the flight line...usually headed to somewhere
bad...like over North Vietnam.
Made for quiet dinners some nights...
Were those Predators, or drones of some sort, in the first picture? I really can't tell.
Reapers at Creech. It's not easy to get pics there, because you can't stop except at a tiny crappy rest area west of the base, that's far enough down
that if they aren't flying you can't see much. The first shot has one sitting next to the end shelter in the open.
The BUFFs surprised the hell out of me. I had heard there were three there, but we only saw two parked on the ramp. Nothing had launched yet so we
assumed one had left. I was watching an AFSOC C-130, heard a noise behind me, and the first one snuck in. Then a few minutes later the second came
edit on 5/5/2017 by Zaphod58 because: (no reason given)
By driving a truck. And having a Significant Other that indulges me and helps out with spotting. There's a truck stop in Las Vegas that overlooks
Nellis. It's up on a hill so you look down on the runway. You don't get as close as at the end of the road it's on, by the Speedway, but as you can
see, you get close enough.
edit on 5/5/2017 by Zaphod58 because: (no reason given)
I'm pretty sure I got a few more over by the hangar, where we saw them packing up the first time we went by. I haven't sat down and really looked yet
though. I got some really bad pictures of the base because of the timing, and coming in from the west. Got a few shots we couldn't get before though
Wonderful pics Zaph, that was some day to be watching the place.
I bet it was cool watching that Osprey passing over. Never seen one in flight personally.
We went from getting through Vegas only on summer trips with Sam, to going through twice in two weeks. The truck stop near the base is a surprisingly
good place to get photos, especially since Nellis apparently doesn't believe in obeying the winds.
Is that the one that got rear ended on the runway? After reading the incident report, I can't believe that the 2nd pilot survived that! Horrific
image of being trapped under a wing and having the ejection sequence initiated! We had several tragic, sickening runway incidents while I was
stationed there mid-late 70s, and innumerable ones on and around the range. Fighter ops are very unforgiving....
That was one of them. I'm not sure if he was the one hit or the one that hit. I was shocked he survived too when I heard he was under the wing. He was
actually lucky that the seat was trapped.
And I really, really enjoy and appreciate those pics Zaph! They bring back such great memories of my 4 years there. Nothing else like Nellis,
especially during Red Flag!
I've got more from the other day if I can get on a better connection. Just before we left the Thunderbirds went over heading to Indian Springs, along
with more Aggressors and the like.