posted on Apr, 23 2017 @ 04:30 PM
For retro Disney movies one of my favs is -
"The Apple Dumpling Gang"...Don Knotts and Tim Conway are so funny!
And when my daughter was in elementary school (over 10 yrs ago) one of her favorites was -
- "The World's Greatest Athlete" the scenes with the near-sighted land-lady are hysterical...
Other favorites are the "Herbie" movies with Dean Jones - actually, most of the ones with Dean Jones are pretty funny..
These were all movies that I had watched as a kid in the late 60's - early 70's, and then enjoyed introducing my daughter and her friends to in the
early 2000's...
I highly encourage anyone with kids to check out all of the Disney 'non-animated' movies from that time period. They are so sweet and funny - and
very much worth watching.
Oh almost forgot:
"The Parent Trap" and "That Darn Cat" - the original versions with Haley Mills