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UFO Revealed 911 to Me in September 1973

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posted on Feb, 2 2005 @ 11:16 PM
Black Pearl : 911 in 973

In September 1973 I was a soldier at Fort Sill, Oklahoma
USA. There had been many UFO (Alien Flying Object)
sightings on and nearby the base, a great embarrassment to
national security.

Late one night a UFO Intelligence visited and gave me some
visions. (Visions are like dreams but happen when awake.)

In one vision I was shown the pilots' cabin of a large
aircraft. Many gauges and controls were on the instrument
panels. A handsome dark-skinned man was flying the
plane. A view out the front windows revealed the massive
wall of a large low building. The plane was about to smash
into the building!

The Intelligence told me the building was an important
government building and because of the crash there would be
a massive increase in national security, a threat to public

The vision was so REAL it could have been the 911 Pentagon
attack 28 years before it happened. (Some of the Future
already exists!)

I believe GodAllah is the most loving compassionate
nonviolent Being over Creation but conclude that the
surgical strikes of 911 were predestined by Higher Beings
for some Divine purpose or Justice.

No human military or economy is above the Law of Nature!


posted on Feb, 3 2005 @ 12:52 AM
Er,so what's your point here?

Strikes at the WTC causing massive deaths a divine purpose or justice?Amazing how it contradicts each other.

posted on Feb, 3 2005 @ 12:58 AM
intelligences, is that all a quote or is it you typing? It's hard for me to tell since it's all written in 1st person.
As for the link, geocities sites 99% of the time are bogus. Also I don't think many people will see the site as they tend to block after it exceeds its set bandwidth.

posted on Feb, 3 2005 @ 08:26 PM
If anyone had pre known knowledge of the strikes on 9/11 and they didnt bring it to the public, they should be brought up on charges. of mass murder themselves.....If i had any kind of knowledge, i would have told someone , even if i wasnt completely sure of the date. Just like those people saying that nostradomus said about 9/11. If i had a book or anything that told me that something like that was going to happen, and i didnt tell someone and share it, id be just as bad as those poeple who drove the planes into the building

posted on Feb, 3 2005 @ 08:49 PM

The vision was so REAL it could have been the 911 Pentagon
attack 28 years before it happened. (Some of the Future
already exists!)

And you did nothing to stop it? You sir are a horrible, horrible person. Either you are making it up, in which case you are scum, or you are telling the truth and did nothing for 30 years, even after the first attack.

posted on Feb, 3 2005 @ 08:55 PM
This makes me sick, for real. Are you trying to justify what happened in some sort of twisted way? Did you (person who had dreams) not tell anyone because you thought it was what should happen?

Look at what he's really saying in this post people. This is a racist anti-American view that thinks the cowards who crashed those jets on that day did a good thing. Those cowards are burning in hell and pigs guts at this very moment
All that for nothing. If the government is so bad then there are other ways to fight it. Not by killing people who you would also think to be victoms of an unjust government. The pen is stronger than the sword, if you're smart enough that is.

I'm sorry, but mods...I think this post has some very negative hidden meanings to it. I hope I'm not out of line here. I know he has a right to post his views but I don't think these are genuine views or beliefs. It may be an attempt to spread hate.

[edit on 3-2-2005 by Mandalorianwarrior]

posted on Feb, 3 2005 @ 09:01 PM

Originally posted by Nygdan

The vision was so REAL it could have been the 911 Pentagon
attack 28 years before it happened. (Some of the Future
already exists!)

And you did nothing to stop it? You sir are a horrible, horrible person. Either you are making it up, in which case you are scum, or you are telling the truth and did nothing for 30 years, even after the first attack.

While I agree beyond a shadow of a doubt that if someone had advance knowledge of the 9/11 attacks and did nothing to stop them, they are as culpable as those directly responsible for the act itself, how do you know he knew that what he saw pertained to Sept. 11 at the time he saw it?

What exactly was he supposed to do 28 years ago?

Our government had far better and far more current intelligence at hand, yet was unable to stop the attacks. I sincerely doubt this one man's call to the FAA or visit to his CO would have prevented the attacks some 28 years later...

If his story is in fact true, why not hold the ET that delivered the message responsible for its incredibly poor timing?

posted on Feb, 3 2005 @ 09:06 PM

Originally posted by intelligences
I believe GodAllah is the most loving compassionate
nonviolent Being over Creation but conclude that the
surgical strikes of 911 were predestined by Higher Beings
for some Divine purpose or Justice.

I too have to agree with others in the observation that as written, this seems to read as if it somehow justifying what was an inexcusable act.

I hope that if the auhtor intended otherwise, he makes use of the opportunity to clairfy the intent of his message.

[edit on 3-2-2005 by sdrumrunner]

posted on Feb, 3 2005 @ 09:10 PM
please do not feed the troll, as he is on a restricted diet as per "The Intelligence's" instructions.

posted on Feb, 3 2005 @ 09:12 PM
come off it guys as if anyone would of believed him
and as if he'd know when it was going to happen. He could of warned authorities 15 years before it happened and it wouldnt of helped at all.


posted on Feb, 5 2005 @ 08:55 AM
I woke up in thee worst mood ever on 9-11, and was outside having a coffee when my brother shouted out the window, 'you should come and see what's happening on the news',

I thought it was a joke at first, it was hard to believe that summat like that was going down, after all that had come before.

The day before it, I got this posted onto a forum I had up -

what I found most of interest was the following things -

looking back over a Montauk Project forum I had been posting at, there were four posts well before 9-11 that merely said something like 'crash' , 'crash', 'crash', then 'hmmmmm' - I forget the exact sound effect used by the poster to convey some sort of crashing of something, but seeing it after 9-11 made it look like it was a direct reference to it. ( 3 crashes, or 3 hits, but one that didn't hit what it was sent out to hit )

there was about to be the first 'Montauk Symposium' - 9-11 happened and interuppted it, there were people that were going to be there, apparently, who couldn't make it because of the travel restrictions caused by 9-11.

Flight TWA 800 - when that happened I saw a report on CNN that showed a video of a missile type of projectile hitting the plane, both that plane and Kennedy Jr's plane were around the same area as Montauk AFB.

In the Montauk books, some people discuss having been taught to psychicly down aeroplanes.

Two other things about 9-11 -

I read a Whitley Streiber book, and it mentioned a possible attempt to overthrow the US govt. in some terrorist attack, it went into some detail about how if certain aspects of the US govt. were no longer extant, law making and governing would fall to some State controlled offices. I think this was in The Secret School but I don't recall exactly what book it was, I read it a long time before 9-11. I remember thinking when I read it that if that happened it would be really bad.

Also, there were predictions online preceding 9-11 that a giant quake would hit America's west coast - as it turned out it was a small quake, but I can't help but wonder if the East coast attacks were planned to kinda fall into line with the ending or near ending of the Illuminatus! books - the quake and the attacks on the govt.

posted on Feb, 5 2005 @ 07:07 PM

Aliens revealed the lottery numbers to me 2 years ago, but I said # it, because allah told me not to win the lottery.

If this website is not the biggest heap of BS Ive ever seen, I dunno what is. I highly doubt said individual was ever military, and must be doing some fantastic mind benders.

posted on Feb, 5 2005 @ 08:18 PM

Originally posted by sdrumrunner
What exactly was he supposed to do 28 years ago?

Publish, publish, publish. I agree that he probably couldn't have prevented it, but I sincerely doubt that anyone that knows about it is going to wait until after it happens to start blathering about it. At the very least he should've documented the claim.

Also, if he knew the day, and I am not clear on whether or not he did, he could've easily called in a bomb threat that day, at the buildings or at the airports. Or pulled alarms there.

If his story is in fact true, why not hold the ET that delivered the message responsible for its incredibly poor timing?

Indeed, why not.

posted on Mar, 16 2005 @ 02:41 AM
I swear what I have related to be "True".

Some of the Future already exists!

If a drunken maniac goes around swinging a meat cleaver
murdering and butchering TENS of MILLIONS of people and other
Divine Beings,

Is it any wonder that

What Goes Around Comes Around?

(The incident of 911 was like a pin-prick compared to
the damage done by Big Money EuroRussian War Criminals
during the US/USSR/Vietnam War.)

posted on Mar, 16 2005 @ 03:03 AM

Originally posted by intelligences
I swear what I have related to be "True".

Some of the Future already exists!

If a drunken maniac goes around swinging a meat cleaver
murdering and butchering TENS of MILLIONS of people and other
Divine Beings,

Is it any wonder that

What Goes Around Comes Around?

(The incident of 911 was like a pin-prick compared to
the damage done by Big Money EuroRussian War Criminals
during the US/USSR/Vietnam War.)

I have had precognitive dreams myself, maybe a dozen in my life. In mine, I didnt know they would happen later, where it was, when it would happen, etc. I found out the moment it did happen in real life, in exacting detail. So, I now have a different view of time than most.
And I also believe that just cuz something is absolutely horrid to us, doesn't mean it was not for a higher reason. If others don't think there is a reason, then that is fine, I do.

posted on Mar, 16 2005 @ 03:29 AM

Originally posted by Mandalorianwarrior
This makes me sick, for real. Are you trying to justify what happened in some sort of twisted way? Did you (person who had dreams) not tell anyone because you thought it was what should happen?

Look at what he's really saying in this post people. This is a racist anti-American view that thinks the cowards who crashed those jets on that day did a good thing. Those cowards are burning in hell and pigs guts at this very moment
All that for nothing. If the government is so bad then there are other ways to fight it. Not by killing people who you would also think to be victoms of an unjust government. The pen is stronger than the sword, if you're smart enough that is.

I'm sorry, but mods...I think this post has some very negative hidden meanings to it. I hope I'm not out of line here. I know he has a right to post his views but I don't think these are genuine views or beliefs. It may be an attempt to spread hate.

[edit on 3-2-2005 by Mandalorianwarrior]

First off, before I begin, I'd like to say for the record that I'm not trying to justify anyone's arguments. I'm merely posting my opinions. They should be taken as such.

Mandalorianwarrior, you make the point that you think that this person is sick, and give a litany of slanderous names to support that. Yes, what those people did was a horrible crime against humanity, but how are we to know that they are burning in hell right now? Maybe they're being laid by 72 virgins; wait, erm.... nevermind, they might be in hell either way. The point I'm trying to get across here is that you can't just go judging people like that, simply by what you believe to be the truth. To them, what they did was the best thing they could do. To us, and the rest of the civilized world, what they did was atrocious.

And I'll be the first one to say that had I known of such a plot, I would have stopped at NOTHING to prevent it from happening. I sincerely hope they pay for what they've done. I should also note that I feel justified by what my American government did in response; I think they acted wisely. But all of this doesn't mean that I support the name-calling that's going on here.

And no, sometimes revolutions require more of a public than any pen or paper can accomplish. They often require blood-stained hands and uniforms to get things to change.

posted on Mar, 16 2005 @ 03:44 AM

Originally posted by Mandalorianwarrior
This makes me sick, for real. Are you trying to justify what happened in some sort of twisted way? Did you (person who had dreams) not tell anyone because you thought it was what should happen?

Look at what he's really saying in this post people. This is a racist anti-American view that thinks the cowards who crashed those jets on that day did a good thing. Those cowards are burning in hell and pigs guts at this very moment
All that for nothing. If the government is so bad then there are other ways to fight it. Not by killing people who you would also think to be victoms of an unjust government. The pen is stronger than the sword, if you're smart enough that is.

I'm sorry, but mods...I think this post has some very negative hidden meanings to it. I hope I'm not out of line here. I know he has a right to post his views but I don't think these are genuine views or beliefs. It may be an attempt to spread hate.

[edit on 3-2-2005 by Mandalorianwarrior]

May i interject here if this is true then if he was to tell anyone of the 9/11 attack four things would happen one or two of these you will not like

1 He could be taken by the MIB aka men in black which exists so don't deny it

2 He could have been castout and ridiculed by his friends and considered a lunatic and become a social outcast(like me)

3 He could have caused nation wide panic from his so called vision

4 And if he were to tell what was going to happen before it happend and prevented it then that would change the course of history forever and thus would rupture the space time continiuem(please excuse the spelling) forever we then would be living in an altered reality

so those are my reasons and i don't think this thread should be closed

posted on Mar, 16 2005 @ 06:42 AM
I have to say i think its probably a load of rubbish, but if it is true then i'd have to agree with Supa Fly Hayn, if he had told about his visions then he would have been arrested and suspected of being involved or as the article says put in a mental institution.

If i were to tell everyone an alien showed me a vision of what will happen in 2033, but i have no evidence, would many people take me seriously? I'd be laughed at everywhere i went.

posted on Mar, 16 2005 @ 07:32 AM

Originally posted by intelligences
Some of the Future already exists!

Not some all of our future already exists!

Some people may find this hard to except but you will find out what i mean after you have reached self realization!

posted on Mar, 18 2005 @ 01:30 AM

Originally posted by Skadi_the_Evil_Elf

Aliens revealed the lottery numbers to me 2 years ago, but I said # it, because allah told me not to win the lottery.

If this website is not the biggest heap of BS Ive ever seen, I dunno what is. I highly doubt said individual was ever military, and must be doing some fantastic mind benders.

Yeah, I was in the military.

And in September 1973 I was shown part of 911 so REAL
that it could have been the ACTUAL Pentagon strike
28 years before it manifested on the physical Earth plane.

And Yes, I did try to warn the US Government about it:


As an agent for the Intelligences I helped spark a
US Military World Red Alert from within a probable
nuclear weapons storage site near Aschaffenberg
West Germany starting in November 1974.


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