posted on Apr, 19 2017 @ 05:54 AM
a reply to:
Omg last year we did not get any lettuce because of the damn groundhogs. But where they live now, our neighbors are making a garden, so hopefully they
will be satisfied.
We cannot fend them off let alone Mad Max scenario. Lol
I will be honest, whenever I drive around I'm looking at my surroundings and making a checklist. Restaurant there, industrial building there,
motorcycle shop here etc. I will have 2 sporting goods stores I can see from my house (first stop) and then the bike shop for transportation, we are
already good on food.
I guess it's so I don't necessarily panic and can just react. The biggest issue would be the time of day everything happens.
Though, I think we shouldn't knock the story of the OP. Because, what are we all doing to help ourselves? The government isn't going to help you...
they will just be there for the "mess."