+1 more
posted on Apr, 14 2017 @ 05:38 PM
Hello ATS!
My name is James C. Gammage.
It has been a looooooooong time since I was last active on ATS and for that, I'm sorry.
The reason I chose to pop back in (aside from a bit of shameless self-promotion), is to point out something.
This forum (specifically the Collaborative Writing Forum/Short Story Forum) is/are responsible for a lot of the writing development that I undertook
back in 2009. I penned the part of the Captain of the USS Penelope in the monstrous Space Opera thread and made some pretty good friends and
acquaintances while doing so. I still look back on those days fondly and as most of you, I was terribly saddened to hear of the loss of Masqua.
Working with a group of you on the Space Opera was a very fulfilling and educational experience and it is something I will forever cherish as part of
my growth and education as a writer.
I would like to present to you all Retrieval, the first book in the Universal Alliance Chronicles.
This is the blurb:
Jake Webster is having memory problems. Memory problems that transcend the simple absent-minded lost keys or forgetting names or birthdays. More
than that. His parents. His childhood. His existence prior to 1994. These and more have all vanished. What’s more is his best friend in the entire
world, Chad Wells, is missing and no one seems to know what happened to the eccentric inventor. With the help of his ex-girlfriend, Allison Deming, he
begins a journey to discover his past and find his friend.
As his quest for answers surpasses anything Jake could have ever imagined, events steadily grow wilder and wilder, sending him beyond even Earth
looking for answers.
Will Jake recover his lost memories?
Will he find his friend?
Answers to these questions and more await Jake in this tale of a lost past, a thrilling revelation, and a future that he will not be able to
Anyway, I've been working on the series this first book heralds since 1997 and only recently managed to complete and get the first book out for public
consumption. I am currently hard at work writing my way through the first draft of the next book, Reunions, which I expect to have out in
approximately six months.
Thank you for your time and if you do happen to snag a copy, free, paid, or whatever - please leave me a review on Amazon to let me know what you
think. I'll also monitor this thread for a while (assuming this post isn't prohibited or something.)
Amazon Link Below
edit on 14-4-2017 by mf_luder because: Changed intro to ATS
edit on Fri Apr 14 2017 by DontTreadOnMe because: fix
link...permission granted to post link