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Facebook Publishes Child Porn

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posted on Apr, 13 2017 @ 09:08 AM
Here we have a story from The Times UK about how Facebook allows questionable content to remain online even after it has been flagged. Including terrorist videos of beheadings and sexual assault on children.

Facebook is at risk of a criminal prosecution in Britain for refusing to remove potentially illegal terrorist and child pornography content despite being told it was on the site, The Times can reveal. The social media company failed to take down dozens of images and videos that were “flagged” to its moderators, including one showing an Islamic State beheading, several violent paedophilic cartoons, a video of an apparent sexual assault on a child and propaganda posters glorifying recent terrorist attacks in London and Egypt. Instead of removing the content, moderators said that the posts did not breach the site’s “community standards”.

They even suggest to other sickos, to join groups with like interest.

Facebook’s algorithms even promoted some of the offensive material by suggesting that users join groups and profiles that had published it.

The company has been criticised for allowing jihadists, criminals and paedophiles to thrive on the site, in part encouraged by software that permits them to discover “friends” and groups with similar proclivities.

So, The Times creates a fake profile to see what they can come up with.

Last month The Times created a fake profile on Facebook to investigate extremist content. It did not take long to come across dozens of objectionable images posted by a mix of jihadists and those with a sexual interest in children.

“In my view, many of the images and videos identified by The Times are illegal,” Julian Knowles, QC, said. “One video appears to depict a sexual assault on a child. That would undoubtedly breach UK indecency laws. The video showing a beheading is very likely to be a publication that encourages terrorism.

“I would argue that the actions of people employed by Facebook to keep up or remove reported posts should be regarded as the actions of Facebook as a corporate entity. If someone reports an illegal image to Facebook and a senior moderator signs off on keeping it up, Facebook is at risk of committing a criminal offence because the company might be regarded as assisting or encouraging its publication and distribution.”

I agree.

Posing as an IT professional in his thirties, a Times reporter befriended more than 100 supporters of Isis while also joining groups promoting lewd or pornographic images of children. Although Facebook removed some of the images, moderators kept online pro-jihadist posts including one praising Isis attacks

“from London to Chechnya to Russia and now Bangladesh in less than 48 hours” and promising to bring war “in the heart of your homes”.

They also refused to remove an official news bulletin posted by Isis praising the slaughter of 91 “Christian warriors” in the recent terrorist attacks against two churches in Egypt. Only after being contacted by The Times did Facebook remove a number of the offensive cartoons.

Facebook also failed to remove dozens of pornographic cartoons depicting child abuse. Several of the cartoons are likely to be illegal under a 2009 law, yet were freely available on the site. Intermingled with the cartoons, posted on forums with titles such as Raep Me, are pictures of real children, including several likely to be illegal.

One video that was kept up by Facebook appears to show a young child being violently abused. The Times has informed the Metropolitan Police, which co-ordinates counterterrorism investigations, and the National Crime Agency (NCA) about its findings. It will hand over evidence to the NCA this week. A spokesman for the agency said that it would assess any material passed to it relating to child sexual abuse.

It seems the daily drip drip of these things would be enough to wake everyone up. This stuff is real and it isn't a tiny isolated problem. Time to bring back public executions?

posted on Apr, 13 2017 @ 09:16 AM
a reply to: FauxMulder

The social media company failed to take down dozens of images and videos that were “flagged” to its moderators, including one showing an Islamic State beheading,...

But we all know thats 'acceptable' main stream dogma...

As usual, history is being written by the victors.

Time to bring back public executions?

You mean like in Saudi Arabia? They behead people in the street. Or maybe we could just show how the concussion from bombs decapitate people anyplace USA is regime changing?

Nah, that triggers the Censors.
edit on 13-4-2017 by intrptr because: Additional

posted on Apr, 13 2017 @ 09:16 AM
a reply to: FauxMulder

Time to bring back public executions?

really ?????????????

you has just been complaining about terrorist beheadings FFS

posted on Apr, 13 2017 @ 09:22 AM
a reply to: ignorant_ape

Well normally before that happens there is a trail. Executions happen anyway just hidden away to protect your sensibilities. It was a question not a statement anyway.

Also are you saying that lethal injections and the like are the same as an ISIS beheading? Last I checked we don't kill people because we don't agree with their religion or sexual orientation.
edit on 13-4-2017 by FauxMulder because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 13 2017 @ 09:22 AM
a reply to: FauxMulder

While it sucks, I think the key is the last part of your post....cartoons. FB and many other sites use algorithms to check the images and I highly doubt these algorithms can disseminate a cartoon drawing of an event. I know they are able to detect skin tones and the like as I have personally seen them in action.

If the first line of defense for a flagged post is to run it through these algorithms and it checks out then it likely would not get passed to a real person to check. Seems the baddies have figured out a way to trick FB post checking. I guess the only way to tell would be to put up a legal, yet sexually explicit image and also have another account put up a drawing/cartoon of that image, flag them both and see what happens.

+3 more 
posted on Apr, 13 2017 @ 09:33 AM
a reply to: FauxMulder

It gets worse:

BBC Tells Facebook About Child Porn on the Network, Facebook Reports BBC to Police

The BBC has been investigating secret child porn rings on Facebook for years. And last week a representative from Facebook, Simon Milner, finally agreed to sit down for an interview about moderation tools on the network. There was just one condition: Facebook asked that the BBC reporters send the company images that they’d found on Facebook’s secret groups that the BBC would like to discuss.

The BBC journalists sent Facebook the images they had flagged from private Facebook groups. And not only did Facebook cancel the interview, the company reported the journalists to the police.

That's some sick stuff right there. Really sick.

posted on Apr, 13 2017 @ 10:25 AM
a reply to: FauxMulder

appologies - i was not aware that viewing state sanctioned execution was " somehow " more palatable than a terorist execution - mea culpa

the OP did request the return of PUBLIC executions

posted on Apr, 13 2017 @ 10:32 AM
a reply to: ignorant_ape

I guess that depends on if you're in favor of the death penalty or not. If you are found guilty in a court of law of child molestation or you are involved in child trafficking and pedophilia, I think you should die.

I dont think ISIS burning people or beheading people is anywhere near on the same level as capital punishment.
edit on 13-4-2017 by FauxMulder because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 13 2017 @ 10:38 AM

originally posted by: Boadicea
a reply to: FauxMulder

It gets worse:

BBC Tells Facebook About Child Porn on the Network, Facebook Reports BBC to Police

The BBC has been investigating secret child porn rings on Facebook for years. And last week a representative from Facebook, Simon Milner, finally agreed to sit down for an interview about moderation tools on the network. There was just one condition: Facebook asked that the BBC reporters send the company images that they’d found on Facebook’s secret groups that the BBC would like to discuss.

The BBC journalists sent Facebook the images they had flagged from private Facebook groups. And not only did Facebook cancel the interview, the company reported the journalists to the police.

That's some sick stuff right there. Really sick.

F Facebook is all I can say....I really have no idea why anyone would use and upload their personal information to that despicable site. If you want to show FB how you feel about them....cancel your account and tell everyone you know to do the same.....


posted on Apr, 13 2017 @ 10:57 AM
a reply to: GuidedKill

I'm with you. I had a Facebook account years ago, and deleted it completely -- when you could still do that! It served a purpose for me at one time when I needed to keep my extended family updated on a situation, but when that was done, I was done with Facebook! It was more trouble than it was worth then... now it's just evil.

posted on Apr, 13 2017 @ 11:15 AM

originally posted by: ignorant_ape
a reply to: FauxMulder

appologies - i was not aware that viewing state sanctioned execution was " somehow " more palatable than a terorist execution - mea culpa

the OP did request the return of PUBLIC executions

This isn't about public executions.
This is about facebook being willing participants in the propagation of terrorism and violence towards children.
Care to discuss the actual topic?

Though I tend to agree with the OP...
These monsters don't deserve to inhabit the same planet as the rest of us.
But I digress.

posted on Apr, 13 2017 @ 11:17 AM
what's the real reason advertising pulled ads from Google?

posted on Apr, 13 2017 @ 11:34 AM

originally posted by: Boadicea
a reply to: GuidedKill

I'm with you. I had a Facebook account years ago, and deleted it completely -- when you could still do that! It served a purpose for me at one time when I needed to keep my extended family updated on a situation, but when that was done, I was done with Facebook! It was more trouble than it was worth then... now it's just evil.

I mean Facebook is a total joke with nothing but fake friends all trying to one up each other on how great their lives are....Ohh look at me I just got a new car.....Ohhh look at me I'm in the gym......Ohhh look at me I'm eating a fancy restaurant.....etc etc

In reality who even needs three letter intelligence agencies when everyone is online all day posting where they are who they met and what they did.....Hell all the gov has to do is log in an follow most of the people on Facebook to know exactly what they are up to.....People bitch about privacy and then upload their lives....WHAT A JOKE.

posted on Apr, 13 2017 @ 11:59 AM
a reply to: GuidedKill

I mean Facebook is a total joke with nothing but fake friends all trying to one up each other on how great their lives are....Ohh look at me I just got a new car.....

Yup! Funny you should use that example... my kids told me about a family member who posted a pic of herself sprawled across the hood of her new Mercedes with something to the effect of "Is it wrong of me to gloat?" Apparently she decided it was because the pic was soon deleted! (Honestly though, I doubt anyone was surprised she did it.)

In reality who even needs three letter intelligence agencies when everyone is online all day posting where they are who they met and what they did.....Hell all the gov has to do is log in an follow most of the people on Facebook to know exactly what they are up to.....People bitch about privacy and then upload their lives....WHAT A JOKE.

Even worse is that these folks can reveal details about other folks at the same time they're exposing themselves -- making it public to the world -- without that person's knowledge or consent. My son was at a private party once where someone posted on Facebook -- an open post, "tagging" the host -- about being at a party at so-an-so's house and within half-an-hour my son said the party was overrun with party crashers. I'm sure even worse has happened.

For example, in keeping with the OP, how many parents have posted cute pics of their kids playing or in the tub which have been copied and shared among the pedophiles???

ETA: And would that parent dare to complain if they knew Facebook would turn THEM into the authorities???
edit on 13-4-2017 by Boadicea because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 13 2017 @ 12:04 PM
a reply to: Boadicea

I ask my friends that all the time about kid pics....It would bother me even knowing there was a possibility of some perv getting off to innocent pics of my kids taking a bath or running around naked like kids do. I can even comprehend how some of my friends are sooo protective of their kids and don't even give stuff like that a second thought...How do we know sexual predators aren't using Facebook to pick out their next kidnap/rape victim??? Facebook could be the amazon shopping website for pedos world wide...Easy shopping from the comfort and safety of their own home...takes the whole sitting in a creepy van outside the elementary school risk right out of the picture.....

posted on Apr, 13 2017 @ 12:09 PM
Facebook has no problem censoring conservatives though.

posted on Apr, 13 2017 @ 12:18 PM
a reply to: GuidedKill

How do we know sexual predators aren't using Facebook to pick out their next kidnap/rape victim??? Facebook could be the amazon shopping website for pedos world wide...Easy shopping from the comfort and safety of their own home...

Sooooo true. Reminds me of something my dad used to tell me -- and I used to tell my daughter -- about how we dress: "Don't advertise what isn't for sale." I guess it's just as true (perhaps even moreso) in this situation.

posted on Apr, 13 2017 @ 12:40 PM
how is it child porn? child doesnt understand what is porn.

posted on Apr, 13 2017 @ 02:52 PM
the worst image I have seen was a little girl about 3-5? nude, with her father's(?) phallus about to penetrate her.
no, I wasn't looking it up, it was posted on a anonymous chat site. omegle.. never visit that site ever.

posted on Apr, 13 2017 @ 03:07 PM
So Mark Z. made a cool billion now no longer has a stake in it's 'interest'.

I'd think if he was at the helm of said ship, he'd sail it away from those waters?

Gov. over-reach or it's mark's gig?

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