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originally posted by: WUNK22
So is blond haired blue eyed white peoples the furthest point so far in evolution??
originally posted by: ancienthistorian
... Interbreeding with other species of humans. ...
The fossil record reveals a distinct, separate origin for apes and for humans. That is why fossil evidence of man’s link to apelike beasts is nonexistent. The links really have never been there.
What Did They Look Like?
However, if man’s ancestors were not apelike, why do so many pictures and replicas of “ape-men” flood scientific publications and museums around the world? On what are these based? The book The Biology of Race answers: “The flesh and hair on such reconstructions have to be filled in by resorting to the imagination.” It adds: “Skin color; the color, form, and distribution of the hair; the form of the features; and the aspect of the face—of these characters we know absolutely nothing for any prehistoric men.”23
Science Digest also commented: “The vast majority of artists’ conceptions are based more on imagination than on evidence. . . . Artists must create something between an ape and a human being; the older the specimen is said to be, the more apelike they make it.”24 Fossil hunter Donald Johanson acknowledged: “No one can be sure just what any extinct hominid looked like.”25
Indeed, New Scientist reported that there is not “enough evidence from fossil material to take our theorising out of the realms of fantasy.”26 So the depictions of “ape-men” are, as one evolutionist admitted, “pure fiction in most respects . . . sheer invention.”27 Thus in Man, God and Magic Ivar Lissner commented: “Just as we are slowly learning that primitive men are not necessarily savages, so we must learn to realize that the early men of the Ice Age were neither brute beasts nor semi-apes nor cretins. Hence the ineffable stupidity of all attempts to reconstruct Neanderthal or even Peking man.”28
The Human Family
Neanderthal man (named after the Neander district in Germany where the first fossil was found) was undoubtedly human. At first he was pictured as bent over, stupid looking, hairy and apelike. Now it is known that this mistaken reconstruction was based on a fossil skeleton badly deformed by disease. Since then, many Neanderthal fossils have been found, confirming that he was not much different from modern humans. In his book Ice, Fred Hoyle stated: “There is no evidence that Neanderthal man was in any way inferior to ourselves.”51 As a result, recent drawings of Neanderthals have taken on a more modern look.
Another fossil type frequently encountered in scientific literature is Cro-Magnon man. It was named for the locality in southern France where his bones were first unearthed. These specimens “were so virtually indistinguishable from those of today that even the most skeptical had to concede that they were humans,” said the book Lucy.52
NEANDERTHAL MAN is also one of the better-known parts of the so-called evolutionary chain. When the first skull portion was found one scientist called it the skullcap of an idiot. Gradually interpretations changed as more bones were discovered. From early reconstructions that showed Neanderthals to be stooped and apelike, with long arms dangling down in front, we now have books that say that “Neanderthal probably did not look very different from some people of today.” One encyclopedia now says that they were “completely human, fully erect.” What a change! Comparing the illustrations in various books will show the adjustments in the claimed appearance of Neanderthal man. And rather than his being an idiot, it is now admitted that Neanderthal man had a larger brain than most modern men!
One reason why some scientists thought of Neanderthal as squat and bent is most interesting. An early skeleton found had bowed legs and a bent form. Of course, since they were looking for apelike creatures to fit their theory, how easy it was to make a mistake! Later, upon further examination, it was shown that the skeleton was deformed due to arthritis!
Nor is that all. In their efforts to make their finds look like a link between ape and man, when Neanderthal’s foot bones were first reconstructed by evolutionists, “they were made to look like an ape’s,” says one book. But the same book admits that the feet actually “look and functioned very [much] like those of modern man.” Look at the picture (opposite page) of feet. Do you think they look enough alike to conclude mistakenly that they are the same?
... In the book New Discoveries in Babylonia About Genesis the author states: “It was expected that the more ancient the period, the more primitive would excavators find it to be, until traces of civilization ceased altogether and aboriginal man appeared. Neither in Babylonia nor Egypt, the lands of the oldest known habitations of man, has this been the case. When civilization appears it is already full grown. . . . In the face of these facts, the slow progress of early man is a disproved assumption, and the idea that an infinitely prolonged period elapsed before civilization appeared cannot be maintained.”
But what of those so-called “prehistoric” men one frequently hears about? Some of such fossil remains are not human at all, but are animal. Others are simply varieties of the human family who were living at the same time “modern-type” man was, just as today there are many sizes and shapes in different living peoples. The Neanderthal man was at one time regarded as “prehistoric,” an ancestor of modern man in the evolution scale, but note what an encyclopedia now says: “Neanderthal man cannot be regarded as an ancestor of modern man. Neanderthal man and men of the modern type . . . must be looked upon as descendants of a common ancestor.” [The Encyclopædia Britannica, 1946, Vol. 14, p. 764.]
Many of these so-called “prehistoric” men were not a “low” type at all. Of those who are called “Cro-Magnon” a university professor stated: “The Cro-Magnon race . . . are conservatively appraised as on a par with the finest stock today intellectually and physically.” Another scientist reported: “These men represent in many ways the finest type the world has ever seen.” Embarrassingly for those who persist in believing the speculation of evolution, Science Digest (April 1961) said: “Since the Cro-Magnon man . . . the human brain has been decreasing in size.” How accurate the simple Genesis account of man’s creation, his fall into sin and subsequent degeneration!
Evolutionists have also combed the earth looking for a people who speak a primitive language, as they feel this would support their theory. The book The Miracle of Languages says: “They have found none. . . . The language of the bushmen [of Australia] and the Sari [of lower California] are elaborate, and show evidences of decay. . . . All languages appear to have descended from one universal parent language.” Science News Letter (Sept. 3, 1955) confirmed this by saying: “There are no primitive languages. The idea that ‘savages’ speak in a series of grunts and are unable to express many ‘civilized’ concepts, is very wrong. . . . Typically, their grammars are much more complex . . . than any modern language.” How well this, too, fits the Biblical account of man’s having one language that was confused after the Flood, resulting in many languages spreading throughout the world, gradually degenerating.
So-called “prehistoric” men exist only in the imagination of those who choose to ignore the facts, because no evidence derived in the entire history of archaeology has sustained the speculations of evolution. It is just as an article in Harper’s Magazine (July 1963) stated: “We have yet to unearth traces of the intelligent apes that gave rise to humanity.” And this article was written in support of evolution! Think of it, after more than a century of frenzied searching by hordes of evolutionists the record of the rocks shouts out louder than ever that “God created”! Evolutionists cannot “unearth traces of the intelligent apes that gave rise to humanity” simply because they never existed, except, as the London Times intimated, ‘in someone’s imagination.’
In the face of such evidence, honesthearted persons will be convinced, but the skeptic never will be, since he wants to cling to the error that suits his purpose. “That is why God lets an operation of error go to them, that they may get to believing the lie, in order that they all may be judged because they did not believe the truth but took pleasure in unrighteousness.” (2 Thess. 2:11, 12) ...
originally posted by: Soylent Green Is People
originally posted by: WUNK22
So is blond haired blue eyed white peoples the furthest point so far in evolution??
The white skin is an evolutionary advantage (what you might call "the furthest point so far") only for people who live in geographic regions where there is relatively less sunlight than other regions. Light skin would be an evolutionary disadvantage in sunny equatorial regions, where "dark skin" would be the "farthest evolutionary point so far" for skin color in that region.
Humans need vitamin D, and most humans got vitamin D through sunlight. However, too much sunlight could also cause other problems, so these early humans living in the equatorial regions had more melanin. It was a good balance between getting enough sunlight to produce Vitamin D, but not getting so much sunlight as to be otherwise harmful.
Then Humans moved to other regions -- such as northward and into Europe. There was less sunlight there, so the babies who would be born with the genetic mutation for lighter skin would actually have a genetic advantage (more Vitamin D) than the dark-skinned children. While back in Africa or other equatorial (sunny) regions, this light-skinned mutation would be a Disadvantage, and fewer of those light-skinned children would live long enough lives to have more children of their own. However, in Europe and other northern regions, this means more of the children born with the light-skinned mutation would live longer and reproduce more -- and pass that light-skinned gen along to the next generation.
Do this for "N" number of generations, and the advantageous light-skinned mutation could spread through the population. The number of generations depends on the population size of the region in question.
originally posted by: WUNK22
So is blond haired blue eyed white peoples the furthest point so far in evolution??