posted on Feb, 2 2005 @ 04:50 PM
I keep meaning to rent Control Room and watch it because I hear it sums a lot of this up pretty well. But anyway, is it any wonder how the Middle
East sees us and a lot of the world for that matter when their media puts out stuff like that. I mean, just look at what our media puts out and what
you have to go through these days to get to the truth. Now throw in medias that are often times controlled by their governments and like the
propaganda roll. I know that there are plenty of people that take the time to search out the truth, but for the average person just catching tidbits
or readint the headlines its no mystery that they have a bad opinion of the U.S. or the West depending on where they are.
One thing, it was the American Al Jezeera site. Are you sure those weren't just created for our benefit to fume over and are in fact tranlsated
versions of what people view in the Middle East?