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Stockholm Terrorist Attack and the Swedish Security Service / Swedish Police

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posted on Apr, 9 2017 @ 04:48 PM
All these big floods of uncontrollable immigrants and all these terrorist attacks that have followed with it lately makes me think the politicians WANT this for some reason. They want this hate and fear to spread. You might say it sounds silly but is it really?? Think about it for a minute, and try to see how the situation is becoming in the world and what do you think will be result of all these terrorist attacks around the world, in the future, lets say 10-20 years down the line?

Let me give you an example about what happened on Friday in Stockholm Sweden, where a 39 year old man, immigrant from Uzbekistan drove a Lorry in high speed on the main street in Stockholm-- running people over (what happened in niece) and he had explosives filled with nails & shrapnels that luckily didn't detonate when he hit Åhlens building (which is a HUGE building with hundreds of stores)

Other intelligence services had tipped of the swedish intelligence, aka "swedish security service" but they didn't find the information important (whatever it said we'll never know)

The Swedish Immigration Service didn't grant the man his residence permit in December 2016. They for SOME WEIRD reason just sent him a mail saying "you have 14 days to leave Sweden" -- The way it works is, usually is the immigration service contacts the police and say "we haven't granted this immigrant his residency and you can escort him out of the country. The police will later knock on his door, take him to the airport and deport him. They will even fly with him home.

However, again, in this case they just sent him a mail saying he has been denied his residency permit and that he has to leave Sweden.. this man later goes off the grid because of this.. however he has a wife and child here in Sweden too.

So in in FEBRUARY the police decides to put a warrant out for the guy.. to have him escorted out of the country (this should have been done in DECEMBER!?)

The Swedish Police / Security Service said that they didn't Do this because there was no reason to FLAG the guy for anything. They had no reason to believe he was a danger to society.

He was known to bezel money with an Uzbek group that would wire money outside of the country
Other intelligence services had warned Sweden long before
The guy had openly on his Facebook shared links to ISIS sites and pages and openly showing he was an ISIS sympathiser.

Yet, they didn't flag the guy?? How come you don't know these things about a guy who has disappeared from the radar after his denial. How come they decided to put the warning aside from other intelligence service, even before he was denied his stay.

The blood from the people who died that day, FIRSTLY rest on the Swedish politician's hands, then then disgusting no-human terrorist.

Interesting times, and the whole situation, and peoples mindsets and how people are starting to hate more and more, and get scared more and more all over the world.. is kinda reminding me of nazi germany and how people started to fear/hate the jews.

Oh well, just my two cents, sharing this info that I feel is very important to know about.. and I'm sure if we dig into other cases a bit we will find that this COULD have been prevented, but wasn't for some reason.

edit on 9-4-2017 by tmpxvx because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 9 2017 @ 04:51 PM
a reply to: tmpxvx

Hey, you are actually in Sweden!

A better question. What positive to the people of Sweden has immigration from the 3rd world provided to the public?

posted on Apr, 9 2017 @ 04:58 PM
a reply to: tmpxvx

All these big floods of uncontrollable immigrants and all these terrorist attacks that have followed with it lately makes me think the politicians WANT this for some reason. They want this hate and fear to spread.

Thats exactly the intent. The twin bomb attacks in the two churches in Egypt (during service) is designed explicitly to drive a wedge between the East (Islam) and the West (Christianity). Striking at the core of everyones emotions, I don't care what religion you practice, who the hell bombs churches wth people inside?

Makes it that much easier to carry the war on terror, doesn't it...

posted on Apr, 9 2017 @ 05:08 PM
a reply to: tmpxvx


Order out of chaos.

These peddlers of tolerance in government of the western world are setting their countries up for massive chaos. Then, people will beg them to come to their rescue.

To be quite honest? If I was one of those citizens protesting against nationalism and calling everyone who is against open borders a racist or whatever word academia promotes? I would be quite worried about the repercussions....

posted on Apr, 9 2017 @ 05:35 PM

originally posted by: seeker1963
a reply to: tmpxvx


Order out of chaos.

These peddlers of tolerance in government of the western world are setting their countries up for massive chaos. Then, people will beg them to come to their rescue.

To be quite honest? If I was one of those citizens protesting against nationalism and calling everyone who is against open borders a racist or whatever word academia promotes? I would be quite worried about the repercussions....

At last , a glint of wisdom on the subject.

posted on Apr, 9 2017 @ 05:37 PM
a reply to: tmpxvx

Addressing the situation you present in your first paragraph: Suppose that wise ETs are telling our Western governments what to do at every major juncture, that world wars are not to be allowed but certain "police" actions are to be done to set the world on its rightful path to a New World Order of a basic equality of all things. Suppose to accomplish such drastic changes much of what we accept as our day-to-day world is going to be turned on its head.

Suppose that such drastic changes are mandated with no alternative. Basically, suppose that the major powers in the world have surrendered to the might and wisdom of those interlopers.

posted on Apr, 9 2017 @ 05:41 PM
I recall after 9/11 people would say things like 'if they hate US for our freedom then why wasn't Sweden attacked?'.

Well Soros sure did figure how to solve Sweden not getting attacked, didn't he?

posted on Apr, 9 2017 @ 05:44 PM

originally posted by: Aliensun
a reply to: tmpxvx

Addressing the situation you present in your first paragraph: Suppose that wise ETs are telling our Western governments what to do at every major juncture, that world wars are not to be allowed but certain "police" actions are to be done to set the world on its rightful path to a New World Order of a basic equality of all things. Suppose to accomplish such drastic changes much of what we accept as our day-to-day world is going to be turned on its head.

Suppose that such drastic changes are mandated with no alternative. Basically, suppose that the major powers in the world have surrendered to the might and wisdom of those interlopers.

Now that's some crazy talk!

Well, not really. Wasn't it Eisenhower who mentioned something about ET? Anyhow, I would rather fight to my death than become a slave to an ET. How could they be benevolent when they allowed our corrupt controllers to sell us out as a species?

Either way, mankind NEEDS to realize at this day and age of lies that our primal instincts that have been torn out of us thru years of domestication needs a resurgence.

posted on Apr, 9 2017 @ 05:45 PM
I'm afraid it will only get worse. Soros is helping ISIS fighters get into the EU through Southern Italy under the guise of "refugee immigrants".

a reply to: IgnoranceIsntBlisss

Did you see that Soros was just tied to supporting ISIS and human trafficking by a report from the European Borders and Coast Guard Agency?

posted on Apr, 9 2017 @ 06:09 PM
a reply to: tmpxvx
It's the New World Order dream. They know that dividing us and causing/allowing strife is the only way to keep us distracted. They know damn well that they would be in the gallows if we werent so busy fighting and hating each other.

Do you remember 2011 Oslo? I was there. Stoltenberg said repeatedly that hatred would only create more hatred. The whole aim of terrorism is to create fear; we cannot be afraid. The whole aim of division is to create hatred; we cannot become hateful. One thing we need to do is work with the muslims who are willing to, and indicate and imprison the ones who arent. By that I mean, IS sympathisers and jihadi wannabes. People always say "deport them!" What bull#. That doesnt solve any problem, it just moves it. Sure, move jihadis back to Syria or wherever to slaughter innocent people to create more refugees. No, we need jihadis in prison.

originally posted by: seeker1963
Order out of chaos.

The classic psychological warfare tactic: Hegelian Dialectic. Create chaos so that we demand order from the authorities. Consolidate power.

posted on Apr, 9 2017 @ 06:18 PM
At this stage when I read the many stories like this, one of the things that come to mind is the BLOW BACK is gonna be something to behold ! Just one possibility that unfortunately is to late in many cases ... Usually they breed and become so many that their politicians/sympathizers get elected...... then it is to late to stop unless a country or its' people wants to make world news with genocide..

The Buddhist countries of Asia have been fighting the convert or die crowd since they got a foot hold and demanded their own laws and break away provinces..

Amazing how the citizens can not own guns or bombs but Muslims seem to have no problem acquiring either.. Allah will provide ?

posted on Apr, 10 2017 @ 02:50 AM
It´s the same story again and again, in the western world, when it comes to terror attacks.
Only "flops, failures and fumbles" of the western "protectors" made all the attacks happen, while the perpetrators everytime were on the screen of the "anti-terror" agencies.

Thost terror attacks need to happen, because of big brother, because of a growing police- and surveillance state that needs a reason to grow. And nowadays because to show the world that liberal refugee/migrant laws "just bring terror". And that these liberal, human laws have to disappear, to satisfy the rightwinger voters.

Since 9/11, we, the western people, are fooled by the western rulers!
That´why always the same "flops, fumbles and failures" happen to "our protectors", that make terror attacks happen!

Don´t let them fool ya, those that need terror as a reason to be and to build a western big brother state, those fund, create that terror, guide the terrorists and make the attacks happen(because of flops, failures and fumbles...)!

edit on 10 4 2017 by DerBeobachter because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 10 2017 @ 08:01 AM
a reply to: Aliensun

Really? You have to bring in ET's for some unknown reason. May as well tell me what ice cream flavour's Swedish politicians prefer.

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