posted on Apr, 12 2017 @ 06:40 AM
this is just standard sectarian violence amongst muslim countries
and the west just want to stir the pot a little to destablise the surrounding regions which border with Iran
all proxy war and all bull#
and anyone who agrees with bombing people / civilians doesnt deserve to call themselves human
all the rest of the stories is all just bull , to gain public favour for war
"they used chemical weapons, they used weapons which contravene the geneva convetion"
OK so if the world is so pissed at assad for using chemcial weapons on his people with sketchy details and not alot of evidence
then where is the international outcry from the West when Israel used white phosphorous over civilian populations , where is the outcry at the blatant
and systematic genocide of the peoples of the muslim communities
i know the people of earth spoke out
but where was the UN intervention there , where was the western coalition going in to take out the "dictators" killing innocents in israel
its all #in bull#
and if you buy into , then you are just as bad as those who start these proxy wars, trump , et al