posted on Apr, 3 2017 @ 10:30 AM
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May have been. They fly Apache's and Blackhawks all the time between San Antonio and Ellington and back. Back durng the Viet Nam war we would go to
the drive in theatre in Pasadena and see medivac helicopters flying to Ellington; sometimes they'd stop and hover over the theatre for a sneak peak at
the movie.
Its common knowledge in Houston that IAH is "militarized". Used to live near the airport and could hear the B-52's come in and refuel. That WILL
wake you up. Odd thing is, they only fly in at night time. I learned that sound while going to school as a kid at Wheelus AFB.
What's really eerie is driving down Hwy 90 in San Antonio past Laughlin (I think) when one of those huge cargo airplanes comes in for a landing. Its
like they are just floating a couple hundred feet in the air over the highway.
Some time in the year at IAH they have like an air show (not flying) where you can go into and visit various aircraft and some years the An 225
Cossack is there and you can tour it. It is the largest cargo plane in the world, or was. And there is only one. It flys oil field supply stuff out
of Houston.