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Jean Claude's ranting about breaking the USA apart

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posted on Mar, 30 2017 @ 04:17 PM
I saw a Headline on Drudge this morning about Junkers dissing the U.S.A. In a push back against Trump's support of Brexit, he's trying to cause Texas and Ohio to break away from our Republic. Go Figure. Junckers' et al, were pretty close to the Kaiser's collecting all the Germans' gold in WWI, and sending half to France to betray the Western Front, and the other half to Switzerland, and into the hands of V. Lenin. Lenin's trainload of gold, about 550 million dollars worth, jump started the Russian Revolution. The French half was compromised and Petain and Clemenceau who didn't know exactly who was bought off, had to turn their own guns on one French army and slaughtered the whole lot. This is the darkest side of the Battle of Verdun.

I can't speak for Ohio, but Texas would become a renegade province of Mexico, so no U.N. representation, like with Taiwan, Scotland, or Catalonia. If the European Union without Britain, in our corner, decides to use NATO against us on our Southern and Northern borders, things could get real tense, for the rest of Trump's Presidency. If enough lefties go into full rebellion modes, then Trump may have to trigger NATO's article 15, but end up having these guys stab him in his back, like with both the Tsar and the French Army.

Until J.C. Junkers shot his mouth off in Malta yesterday, this would be pure paranoia, on my hands. But today he really sent a shot across POTUS Trumps bows. Can some of you work out how this might be initiated??

posted on Mar, 30 2017 @ 04:29 PM
a reply to: carpooler

I know I'm worried about it. Was up all night.

posted on Mar, 30 2017 @ 04:45 PM

originally posted by: carpooler

Until J.C. Junkers shot his mouth off in Malta yesterday, this would be pure paranoia, on my hands. But today he really sent a shot across POTUS Trumps bows. Can some of you work out how this might be initiated??

You can't be serious. And BTW there are already at least two major threads about this.

posted on Mar, 30 2017 @ 04:45 PM
a reply to: Ksihkehe

Nigel Farage is messing with splitting Cali up for the Cons. but if NATO Espana, came over to help Trump seal off the Mexican Border; since they all speak fluent Spanish, and the Euros came to Canada to swoop down on the Left Coast to the Russian River and old Fort Ross, we could get back stabbed and end up with Russian America, joining with Aztlan, from San Francisco to the present US Mexican Border near San Diego. This would be one way to spike Trump's starting a Nuclear War in the Western Pacific. And then our fraudulent Louisiana Purchase from the usurper Napoleon gets dragged out from under the carpet. Yikes!! When Bonaparte's treaties were declared worthless in 1815 after Waterloo, our Sec'y of State, James Monroe, high tailed it over to France to get the next usurper, in line, calling himself Louis XVIII, to sign off on the earlier Louisiana Purchase agreements. But the 2005 DNA fingerprint of the heart in the crystal vase, now shows through a preponderance of the evidence that there was a surviving twin brother of Louis Joseph, who died in the prison cell at the age of 14 years and six months. And this means that this twin was the titular Louis XVII, and his younger brother, the healthy Louis Charles, Duke of Normandy, aka the Lost Dauphin, is still lost, but was the true King Louis XVIII.

In our Great Founding Treaty of 1790, we promised to honor the prerogatives of the French Crown, in perpetuity, in all of Louisiana. And to me that means the far West as well, since we used St Louis as our springboard to win the West.
edit on 30-3-2017 by carpooler because: Treaty of 1790 which created the U.S.A.

posted on Mar, 30 2017 @ 04:53 PM
you should change the title to "the incoherent ramblings of a desperate man"

posted on Mar, 30 2017 @ 04:59 PM
Yeah, I thought he was good in Bloodsport and Universal Soldier.

posted on Mar, 30 2017 @ 05:15 PM

originally posted by: Mandroid7
Yeah, I thought he was good in Bloodsport and Universal Soldier.

I like him in Expendables 2. Three of the best actors in 1 movie. Pure mangasm

posted on Mar, 30 2017 @ 06:22 PM

originally posted by: snarfbot
you should change the title to "the incoherent ramblings of a desperate man"

May I just correct that for you?

"the incoherent ramblings of a desperate an inebriated man"

posted on Mar, 30 2017 @ 07:46 PM
a reply to: eletheia

Junkers and Krupps were, and still are, the heaviest hitters of the German aristocracy. They can still mobilize enormous amounts of gold in order to grease the skids of international intrigues. Look at the damage that Soros and his acolytes have and are still causing, over the 2016 elections. When they couldn't knock out the French and Russians, they simply went to gold and purchased enough bad actors to buy themselves a victory on both the Western and Eastern fronts, in the Great War.

Consider a new Spanish Emperor in Mexico City, running things all the way up to San Francisco. Then look at some kind of "Holy Russia" "rescuing the North West Coast of America". They owned Alaska until 1867, when Sec'y Seward purchased it from the Russian Tsar. Obama tried to turn that whole sub arctic rain forest into a protected wetland. Much of coastal Alaska, has rains for 300 days out of a year. I don't have a source, but real estate people say that one third of the land abstract deeds around the Russian River in Cali, go back to some land grant or other from a Tsar.

Ditto for land deed abstracts running up North, past San Francisco, which come down from the King of Spain.
edit on 30-3-2017 by carpooler because: Spain and Russia on our Pacific Coastlines.

posted on Mar, 30 2017 @ 09:36 PM
a reply to: carpooler

I don't know what you have been dreaming or smoking, but you just insulted the whole state of Texas.
Obviously, you don't know a lot about Texas history. Makes me wonder about your knowledge of the EU.

posted on Mar, 30 2017 @ 11:05 PM
I was just hoping this thread was going to be about jean claude van damm saying he could break the usa wider apart than one of his splits doing a sweet roundouse kick.

And then chuck norris can get involved and be like dont mess with texas and then go on to mock his kicks while doing them better in stretch denim tight 70s jeans.

I sad now😯
edit on 30-3-2017 by BASSPLYR because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 31 2017 @ 01:17 AM
a reply to: carpooler

The US will be fine, Junkers is just a Crooked politician like all politician's and likely his word's were merely to play on Anti Brexit sentiment in the EU.

What you will see though is likely some crackpot's wanting to tear your nation apart but remember how many veterans of your military forces saw there comrades die in war for your nation, they will NOT sit idly by as it is torn apart and if those that want it torn apart think they will then I am certain they will be in for one hell of a big surprise.

It is possible however that in a process similar to UK devolution were more power has been transferred to regional assembly's the US Washington based government may be forced to relinquish more power to the state's in order to save the union but I doubt that will be any time soon.

As for Brexit over here the Crud has not yet hit the fan as the other member states of the EU will likely turn on Britain as or after it withdraws like a pack of feral dog's tearing one of there own apart and will trash the UK as utterly and totally as they can, even Scotland if they push ahead with there own wish to destroy the British Union will not escape this as the EU member state's will still not draw a distinction, indeed they will want Scotland to fail as well.

And with that it is likely that within the next five to twenty five years the term UK with reference to the British Union will become a thing of the past, England will then lose wales as it too will then likely follow suit and perhaps want to form a mini block with Scotland and the Northern Ireland paving they way for them to then slip back into the EU (twenty five years down the line) while leaving England out in the economic cold.

Such an attack upon Britain by the EU and nationalist (Racist) groups in the UK will also likely have a quick effect on both the US and indeed the global stock market's, meanwhile this dividing and conquering by petty people in the west will have both the Russian's and the Chinese rubbing there hand's together in glee.

posted on Mar, 31 2017 @ 01:22 AM
a reply to: Aliensun

What I was trying to get across was if NATO delegates controlling our Southern border to Spanish speaking Espana, then a double cross could wipe out Texas and the Southern half of Cali. Soros has been financing "Copper Heads" by another name. The much larger gold stocks in Europe could purchase a whole lot of traitors, if the Lefties are running wild throughout the country.

J.C. Junkers said he would break up the U.S.A., but not who would end up with our territory. So Northern Mexico, South Cali, and just possibly Texas could end up as part of a Spanish Royal Colony, once again. Modern Spain is very much for the nuclear family, of one man, marrying one woman. If the lefties win out through the old East of the Mississippi, U.S.A., then it is possible, IMO. When Lewis and Clark left St. Louis, it was the Spanish Flag which came down, not the French. But then the Revolutionary Tri Color ( Napoleon's ) was raised for a single day, before the Stars and Stripes were raised, as part of the Louisiana Purchase. King Louis XIV, had given control, of the incomes of Louisiana to the King of Spain, in lieu of paying war debts. Then Napoleon defeated Spain, and secretly ceded that control back to Paris.

But this was after the Treaty of 1790, in which we promised to perpetually honor the prerogatives of the French Crown in all of the French Territories west of the Mississippi. Spain managed it, for its revenues, but France still owned it. In any case, it would be real bad news for the gringos in the southern half of Cali. If your choice is between Nuevo Espana and some sort of French neo Regency, wouldn't it be wise to throw in with some Spanish Duke, and keep all of those Left Coast gringo refugees out of Texas?? In other words, let St. Louis, MO. and thereabouts take them in. But i couldn't see this happening without the Lefties in the big cities, first bringing down our U.S. economy._javascript:icon('
edit on 31-3-2017 by carpooler because: economic crash

posted on Mar, 31 2017 @ 01:44 AM

originally posted by: carpooler
a reply to: eletheia

Junkers and Krupps were, and still are, the heaviest hitters of the German aristocracy.

First of all, that alcoholic Jean Claude from Luxemburg(!) is called JunCker! Jean Claude Juncker!
And not Junkers!

Juncker, that "democrat" known for words like this:
"We decide on something, leave it lying around and wait and see what happens. If no one kicks up a fuss, because most people don't understand what has been decided, we continue step by step until there is no turning back."

Nobody takes him serious in Europe, so the rest of the world shouldn´t, too!

posted on Mar, 31 2017 @ 02:39 AM

originally posted by: LABTECH767

And with that it is likely that within the next five to twenty five years the term UK with reference to the British Union will become a thing of the past, England will then lose wales as it too will then likely follow suit and perhaps want to form a mini block with Scotland and the Northern Ireland paving they way for them to then slip back into the EU (twenty five years down the line) while leaving England out in the economic cold.

*You cant be serious*??????

An EU in twenty five years time??????

Greece's debt is in debt ......

Italy not far behind ......

Turkey blackmailing the EU with letting immigrants loose if they don't get what they want.....

The immigrant problems which are not allowed to be out in the media.....

And there's more.... lots more......

posted on Mar, 31 2017 @ 02:43 AM
a reply to: eletheia

Honestly Elethia do you really think that bunch of Eurocrat crook's are going to let a good thing go, it goes one of two way's, I offered only one scenario though personally I do believe the Troika have killed the EU project already and it will collapse from there action's alone never mind the Turk's wanting to let there stuffing invade europe (Sorry that turkey's I meant immigrant's) or else have to morph into something completely different.

But believe me they will try to make an example of the UK if they can move there trade away or steal it from us they will and for us now it is back to the good old day's of oil tankers waiting off shore, the petroleum company's strangling our oil and gas supplies and our people being ripped off good and proper by monopolist company's, at least no more square Banana's eh?.

edit on 31-3-2017 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 31 2017 @ 05:15 AM
Texas would never go if Southern Cali does. The Austin area can't swing the entire state.

You remove Southern California and the Inland Empire, the libs'll never win another election in the US. So, come on, break us up by detaching SoCal as its own country. It'll be festive. I'll bring a casserole.

posted on Mar, 31 2017 @ 01:57 PM
a reply to: Bedlam

Bedlam, No, what I meant was that NATO Espana might ride into North America like a White Knight. They speak Spanish and can corral the illegal aliens, and "MAYBE" ship them back to original Mexico. But what if they didn't?? What if some Spanish Duke went straight to Mexico City, and set up shop there. Thus, Southern Cali, and most of our Southwest would gravitate into that Empire. When the inevitable ethnic cleansing of Anglos commenced in Southern Cali, where will all the Anglos flee to. Or to put it more succinctly, who will take them in??

Holy Russia might also reclaim Alaska, and the Pacific Northwest. They folded their tents and left voluntarily, some time ago. Think family values, and a religious State instead of the runaway U.S. Supreme Court's nonsense.

Nostradamus predicted a day when paper money would become as worthless as scraps of leather. Siener Van Rensburg, the Boer Prophet predicted a day when Germany would take over South West Africa again.

If the whole world decides that the U.S. vs. China conflicts are going Nuclear, then our Gov'ts bungling over the last few decades is a potent reason for allowing the E.U. to break up our country. The U.S. would still occupy its original Treaty of Paris lands, east of the Mississippi River, but this leaves the Chinese to dominate the Pacific Basin. Do you think that these same Chinese would sit idly by, when the E.U. has the keys to accomplish most, if not all, of this retrenchment

The European Powers never foresaw America rising so far and fast as to dominate them all, when they agreed to let us go our own way and have our democracy, back in 1790. It was only the big bad Soviet Union which forced them to suck up to us, after WWII. There was serious resistance to our U.S. occupation of Western Germany, right up to the day when Stalin blockaded Berlin, in 1949.

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