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Anointing your home

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posted on Mar, 28 2017 @ 10:15 PM
I had a friend ring me up the other day asking for prayer. She was feeling an evil presence in her home and she could sense it hanging around her. I first of all prayed for her while we were on the phone together and then instructed her on how to anoint her home and pray through it, in the authority and the name of Jesus Christ.

What I am sharing with you today, I have gleamed through my friends who are prayers and what they have shared with me from their experiences and knowledge, as well as what I have read and put into practice myself.I realised after my friend hanged up that many in the body of Christ have no idea about their authority as a believer and their need to act on it in their own homes. I have taken for granted something that has become second nature to me.

I have prayed through many homes over the years, for my own homes that I have lived in and at the invitation of others when things have gone bump in the night. As Christians we have been given all authority in Jesus name over the unseen evil forces that exist. It is now up to us as believers to exercise what has been given to us! Mark 16:17, Acts 1:8, Eph 1: 18 -23.

First you need to get some olive oil, if you don’t have olive oil any other oil will do. One of my friends uses Macadamia oil infused with a perfume. The oil is symbolic for the Holy Spirit anointing Luke4:18, Isaiah 61:1, Psalm23:5, 1 John 2:20, 27, 2 Corth 1:21. In the Old Testament it was used to consecrate those in the priesthood for service. It was symbolic for being set apart for the work of the Lord. Anointing your home is a symbolic declaration into the spiritual realm that you are setting your home apart for the Lord and you want His presence to dwell in it.

Start from the back of your home. Anoint the window frames and back doorway and start praying in the spirit (praying in tongues) and see if He reveals anything to you, then speak out aloud and command anything that is evil and not of the Lord to get out in Jesus name and to name anything He may specifically show you. When you feel that room is finished anoint the door frame leading into the house with oil and move on. Systematically pray through your house from back to front repeating the process. When you come to the front door order everything out of your house that is not of the Lord and command it to leave in Jesus name. Then invite the Lord to come and fill the house with His presence, fill it with His peace, His joy, His life and that His holy angels would come and guard your home against evil coming in and to alert you.

I helped pray through a ladies house once who was friends with a neighbor involved with Wicca, she was astro traveling into her home and causing disruption. I commanded all astro traveling to cease and commanded her to return to her body in Jesus name. I then forbid her to return in Jesus name. The lady the following week told me that she had peace in her home ever since. If you are a Christian and you are friends with people who dabble in this or know people involved with this, they may be harassing you in your own home without you even realising it. Remember you have the authority to order them get out and to leave you and your home alone.

Another thing that I do was shared by a missionary in Africa, which was shared to me by my friend who attended the service he was speaking at. Get four wooden pegs and write Joshua 1:3 go to the four corners of your property and drive them into the ground as stakes and then pour olive oil upon them. Again command everything that is evil and not of the Lord to leave your property and then invite the Lord to fill your property with His love, peace, joy, life etc and ask that His holy angels will take up residence to guard the property against evil and alert you when needed.

I take it astep further. I have a little printout of psalm 91 covered in wrap and I have them around each peg. I read a testimony of a small battalion of solders that carried a copy of psalm 91 around with them when in the battle zone and how miraculously they all survived without a scratch when in the situations they were in they should have died or been maimed. (The men in this battalion were all committed Christians)

Since implementing this with everywhere I live, the one thing that has consistently been said to me about my home when people who do not know who Lord come is how peaceful it is.

I hope this will assist you in creating a home environment that is a place of peace and a demon free zone!

edit on 03 03 2017 by Sharparrow because: (no reason given)

edit on 03 03 2017 by Sharparrow because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 28 2017 @ 10:25 PM
I appreciate your offering and your openness. I'm sure this post will help some people.

Personally, I've lived in a haunted house for 16 years now. Although at times members of my family or visitors will be startled, no one has ever felt anything evil. I quite enjoy having these mysterious others around.

In my belief system I feel that evil comes in one form, temptation. If I feel an evil presence, which has only happened on a few occasions and not for many years, it was because I was in a situation where I could chose the wrong path. In those instances, the sense of evil actually failed to to lure me and instead drove me toward the light. I did pray to my higher power, who I've never learned the name of. The prayer was 100% effective.

posted on Mar, 28 2017 @ 10:54 PM

originally posted by: Sharparrow
I had a friend ring me up the other day asking for prayer. She was feeling an evil presence in her home and she could sense it hanging around her. I first of all prayed for her while we were on the phone together and then instructed her on how to anoint her home and pray through it, in the authority and the name of Jesus Christ.

What I am sharing with you today, I have gleamed through my friends who are prayers and what they have shared with me from their experiences and knowledge, as well as what I have read and put into practice myself.I realised after my friend hanged up that many in the body of Christ have no idea about their authority as a believer and their need to act on it in their own homes. I have taken for granted something that has become second nature to me.

I have prayed through many homes over the years, for my own homes that I have lived in and at the invitation of others when things have gone bump in the night. As Christians we have been given all authority in Jesus name over the unseen evil forces that exist. It is now up to us as believers to exercise what has been given to us! Mark 16:17, Acts 1:8, Eph 1: 18 -23.

First you need to get some olive oil, if you don’t have olive oil any other oil will do. One of my friends uses Macadamia oil infused with a perfume. The oil is symbolic for the Holy Spirit anointing Luke4:18, Isaiah 61:1, Psalm23:5, 1 John 2:20, 27, 2 Corth 1:21. In the Old Testament it was used to consecrate those in the priesthood for service. It was symbolic for being set apart for the work of the Lord. Anointing your home is a symbolic declaration into the spiritual realm that you are setting your home apart for the Lord and you want His presence to dwell in it.

Start from the back of your home. Anoint the window frames and back doorway and start praying in the spirit (praying in tongues) and see if He reveals anything to you, then speak out aloud and command anything that is evil and not of the Lord to get out in Jesus name and to name anything He may specifically show you. When you feel that room is finished anoint the door frame leading into the house with oil and move on. Systematically pray through your house from back to front repeating the process. When you come to the front door order everything out of your house that is not of the Lord and command it to leave in Jesus name. Then invite the Lord to come and fill the house with His presence, fill it with His peace, His joy, His life and that His holy angels would come and guard your home against evil coming in and to alert you.

I helped pray through a ladies house once who was friends with a neighbor involved with Wicca, she was astro traveling into her home and causing disruption. I commanded all astro traveling to cease and commanded her to return to her body in Jesus name. I then forbid her to return in Jesus name. The lady the following week told me that she had peace in her home ever since. If you are a Christian and you are friends with people who dabble in this or know people involved with this, they may be harassing you in your own home without you even realising it. Remember you have the authority to order them get out and to leave you and your home alone.

Another thing that I do was shared by a missionary in Africa, which was shared to me by my friend who attended the service he was speaking at. Get four wooden pegs and write Joshua 1:3 go to the four corners of your property and drive them into the ground as stakes and then pour olive oil upon them. Again command everything that is evil and not of the Lord to leave your property and then invite the Lord to fill your property with His love, peace, joy, life etc and ask that His holy angels will take up residence to guard the property against evil and alert you when needed.

I take it astep further. I have a little printout of psalm 91 covered in wrap and I have them around each peg. I read a testimony of a small battalion of solders that carried a copy of psalm 91 around with them when in the battle zone and how miraculously they all survived without a scratch when in the situations they were in they should have died or been maimed. (The men in this battalion were all committed Christians)

Since implementing this with everywhere I live, the one thing that has consistently been said to me about my home when people who do not know who Lord come is how peaceful it is.

I hope this will assist you in creating a home environment that is a place of peace and a demon free zone!

Whoo hoo! Thank you Jesus!

Yes believers, do this. You can use The Book of John for your foundation. Those who don't really believe but want to because they know "His voice" just read the Book of John too to get grounded in belief.

After ordering the evil presence out light myrrh and a white candle and give thanks to the Lord. Put olive oil on your forehead. If you have a kid, have them annoint you in Jesus name and to keep you safe in Jesus name, then do it to them.

Order the evil out with authority. Like the tone you would take talking to a child that hurt another kid just to be mean and your really upset they were that mean. Or use the tone of a drill sergeant. Just use the tone. No ugly words. In Jesus name. You may feel weird at first doing so because you mean it.

Then use softer tones and the nicest sounds you can vocalize afterwards. With the white candle and myrhh.

If you dont have any of those don't worry those are props but nice and genuine ones. So try to get some later. Dollar Tree has packs of white tea lights and white emergency candles.

If you are so scared and your heart is pounding out of your chest like crazy, you can't speak, just whisper it. If you can't utter a whisper think it forcefully. "Get out in Jesus Christ's name."

Good post.

posted on Mar, 28 2017 @ 11:17 PM

originally posted by: TobyFlenderson
I appreciate your offering and your openness. I'm sure this post will help some people.

Personally, I've lived in a haunted house for 16 years now. Although at times members of my family or visitors will be startled, no one has ever felt anything evil. I quite enjoy having these mysterious others around.

In my belief system I feel that evil comes in one form, temptation. If I feel an evil presence, which has only happened on a few occasions and not for many years, it was because I was in a situation where I could chose the wrong path. In those instances, the sense of evil actually failed to to lure me and instead drove me toward the light. I did pray to my higher power, who I've never learned the name of. The prayer was 100% effective.

Interesting take on evil.

The evil presence the OP and I are referring to is nothing that tempts. It's a sinking doomy and very scary presence coming from outside of yourself. The person sensing this is aware that it's an entity. It is not Casper or anything that would perk a normal person's interest and say, "lets go see who or what that is." It's like if it was seen seen, it would be a quiet Godzilla where it would not be in the persons best interest to try to communicate as you are it's prey. There's like no way. It's like putting your hand in a fire and expecting not to get burned.

Also, most of these evil presences have nothing to do with house 'hauntings' as this evil is mobile. It can be in places simultaneously and leaches onto people's auras and sloughes off pieces of itself where ever that person visits. Ghosts remain in a certain location. This evil roams. And attaches to things and people then they shed some of it off. I've had a few visitors that have left an evil presence in my house. Those people are sick. They are unaware and not mean people. They have minimal energy because they are being sucked alive by it. Then it leaves droppings of itself for lack of a better word. The worst is in bars. If you have a roommate or significant other or friend that goes, more so if they are addicts or get just get drunk, they bring it home. They have no idea they are. It's not them. I'm telling you, its an evil presence. Full doom ugly.

posted on Mar, 28 2017 @ 11:27 PM
a reply to: WhiteWingedMonolith

I've heard many others express similar sentiments and experiences through various media. I've never experienced anything like this and never spoken to anyone directly who has. It sounds horrible to me. I do have experience with addiction and with others involved with addiction. They are overwhelming selfish/self-centered people. I've never felt evil coming from one. When I was actively involved in addiction (almost 25 years ago now), I did morally wrong things. However, I was solely responsible for those actions. They were not caused by any entity outside of myself. I was negative, that is for certain. But I never actively sought to hurt anyone. I never did wrong for wrong's sake.

I'm not saying that everything you and the OP state isn't true, it's just not in my personal experience.

posted on Mar, 28 2017 @ 11:29 PM
I learned to just get along with these spirits here, they seem to be friendly. I think the cats are possessed sometimes, they are so bossy.

posted on Mar, 29 2017 @ 02:03 AM
a reply to: Sharparrow

Interesting how when you boil it all down it's no different from magic circles, smudging, libations, invoking magical power via the use of symbols, numerology and charms and other nefarious devilry.

To think, the church used to burn folks alive for doing all that. In fact it still happens.

Do you not find it all a bit "heathen"?

Seems to match the description for sorcery if you ask me

posted on Mar, 29 2017 @ 03:39 AM
a reply to: Sharparrow


It is refreshing to see a Christian properly teach on how to bless one's home without bring up the PAGAN art of Sage smearing. Sage smearing is not a Christian practice but of pagan origin.

I am no chemist or parfum designer but olive oil is one of the best base oils to use when making anointed oils. I prefer using the oil that God gave to Moses. Anyone who cares you can find the ingredients in the OT.

posted on Mar, 29 2017 @ 03:47 AM
a reply to: WhiteWingedMonolith

You get it because it has been revealed to you. Welcome to the club.

I recommend that you ask God (in prayer) for Discernment of Spirit. If he grants you this power you will be able to see what is attached. You will even be able to see "faces" OVER the face of that person...(99% Generational curses).

I believe you have been properly baptized....if not do ask....constantly just like a child does when talking to his Father.

May God protect you from your enemies.

God bless you and your family !

posted on Mar, 29 2017 @ 06:17 AM
RE: She was feeling an evil presence in her home and she could sense it hanging around her.

excessively credulous belief in and reverence for supernatural beings.
"he dismissed the ghost stories as mere superstition"
synonyms: unfounded belief, credulity, fallacy, delusion, illusion; More
a widely held but unjustified belief in supernatural causation leading to certain consequences of an action or event, or a practice based on such a belief.
plural noun: superstitions
"she touched her locket for luck, a superstition she had had since childhood"

posted on Mar, 29 2017 @ 07:50 AM

originally posted by: DeathSlayer
a reply to: Sharparrow


It is refreshing to see a Christian properly teach on how to bless one's home without bring up the PAGAN art of Sage smearing. Sage smearing is not a Christian practice but of pagan origin.

I am no chemist or parfum designer but olive oil is one of the best base oils to use when making anointed oils. I prefer using the oil that God gave to Moses. Anyone who cares you can find the ingredients in the OT.

But you do know that many christian practices have their origins from pagan practices. Christianity is literally an amalgam of many cultures beliefs.

posted on Mar, 29 2017 @ 10:08 AM
a reply to: Woodcarver

The Christian faith started in Israel with Jesus followers and this is where my faith is.

My Christian practices come from the Jewish faith which have accepted Jesus as the Christ what I prefer to call Christian Jews..... Jews no longer under the law but freed from bondage.

posted on Mar, 29 2017 @ 11:46 AM
a reply to: Sharparrow

you lost me at praying in tongues. i'm thinking you misunderstand some of the spiritual gifts bestowed on man by god.

posted on Mar, 29 2017 @ 02:15 PM
This is a list of some of the things a person can do on their own without any assistance. This comes from a trained professional. You may have heard of him, his name is Adam Blai.

He also answers some questions as well as gives his credentials. Might be good to spread the word.

posted on Mar, 30 2017 @ 01:12 AM
a reply to: [post=22071618]Woodcarver[/pos

Hi woodcarver

When Christianity was mixed with paganism by Constantine that is when the catholic church was created and Christianity decended into the dark ages until the reformation.

This series is a very good one to watch to understand what took place.

posted on Mar, 30 2017 @ 01:42 PM
a reply to: Sharparrow

No need to do all that ritualistic nonsense.

If you are truly saved all you need to do is tell them that your Lord rebukes them, binds them and tell them to leave and never come back. I done it and it works. I was a missionary for 15 years and have seen devils that would make mince meat out of you. I have had devils and devil possessed attack me. Calling out to Jesus always helped.

I never encourage anyone to out right speak to any devil. It is the most dangerous thing you could do. Everyone I know from little girls to YWAM graduates who have were possessed and later some were committed to Psych wards and hospitals overseas some were chained to trees or inside small huts for years because of the devils that possessed them.

But no need to do prayer rituals and oil anointing every little corner of your home. Just prayer over your home daily and ask God to clean it out and place a hedge of holy angels around you to keep the devils out.

posted on Apr, 4 2017 @ 09:25 AM
a reply to: Sharparrow

Your grasp of Church history is astounding.

posted on Apr, 6 2017 @ 03:58 AM
a reply to: IsidoreOfSeville

Thanks Isidore

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