The Peace of God to all that belong to the Light
Dear Readers,
About 44 years ago, in the Oscar awards ceremony of March 27th 1973, a legend of Hollywood movie industry, Mr Marlon Brando was awarded with the so
wished statue for his characterization of the Mob leader Dom Vito Corleoni in film "The God Father".
This was going to be the second Oscar of his successful acting career, and he decided that it was a great opportunity to express what he wanted to be
remembered about, his legacy to the nation.
What few expected was that he decided to don't attend the event and also to reject the prize, but moreover sending a speech that became Historic in
the fight for the civil rights in this country.
His was a gesture of respect to the Native Americans and condemning the terrible massacre of wounded Knee, in the long tradition of Annihilation of
them, as well as their systematic exploitation by the entertainment industry along many decades in which Indians were used in westerns without never
been awarded.
Moreover, Brando taught to Americans that when oppression comes over the nation civil peaceful resistance can make what perhaps nothing else to create
the momentum for change that is required.
That was the time in which a President (Nixon) had arrived to power with one of the smallest voting supports in History, promising a secret plan to
achieve peace with Honor that in the long run became the most dishonorable nightmare ever for America , the time of Vietnam war that he inherited just
to transform it in the Laos an Cambodia wars too, before to assure his reelection through the most corrupt fraudulent political operation ever carried
It was a time of No Hope after years of internal oppression, and violence running without control in the streets, with no security for anybody, after
the unpunished assassination of all the great figures of the Civil rights movement of the 1960s: John F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King, Malcom X and
Robert F. Kennedy.
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Brando was not that Night in Hollywood but soon after the incident that his decision trigger he was interviewed by the media and expressed his
absolute support to the Native Americans fight for civil rights, and the exploitation they had suffered along generations.
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Just few weeks before the award ceremony of Oscars the nation experienced an epic incident of brave resistance of Native Dakota, Lakota and Sioux men
that protested in wounded Knee for the horrible conditions their people lived in the reservations, that they described as inhuman racist actual
concentration fields.
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This incident that captured the attention of millions of Americans, not only of Marlon Brando, was leaded by an Iconic Native American figure of the
fight for defense of the civil rights, his thinking represents the maximum expression of the philosophy of his people: Mr Russell Means.
Russsell, who was Not present in Hollywood when the incident of Brando Oscar, but arrested with serious charges of civil disobedience has been since
them not only the voice of his people but also of the resistance of the average individual to the power of the large capitalist corporations that from
his perspective have suffocated the social and economic independence of millions of peoples of all races in this country.
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Russell learnt from Brando gesture of solidarity to his cause that what his arms didn't get in Wounded Knee, his ideals freely expressed through the
media could achieve, that he had a powerful message to share with Americans of all races also prisoners of a system that didn't believe in them.
In 2010 Russell became a sort of moral conscience of the nation when he affirmed during the great Recession that America entirely had been
transformed into a giant reservation field by the great economic interests, one in which millions of peoples had lost completely their freedom.
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He became a great advocate of the organization of the ordinary citizens to defend their right to organize themselves in cooperative projects to
generate their own economic means of survival and progress, he believes low and middle classes can own collectively industries and farms where the
workers that labor on them really share a fair part of the profit and assure that a domestic market represents genuinely the interests of the majority
of the Americans.
Russell Means preached until his death in 2012 a very original social Philosophy that could create a new future of prosperity for America, Not
through wild capitalism, Not through socialism, Not through communism, it is not a change coming from the world of Politics, but of organization of
civilians through cooperativism among the majoritarian force of the market: the great mass of average consumers.
Thanks for your attention,
The Angel of Lightness
edit on 3/28/2017 by The angel of light because: (no reason given)