originally posted by: eriktheawful
So I'm over 66 hours of real time into playing Mass Effect: Andromeda and having a ball with it.
Okay, so I got it and about 30% through it. I tend to muck around and explore, so not really grinding hard through it.
I will say this
When its bad, its bad.
the faces are hidious on some/many/most. This is objectively true as it was a design choice by the dev team to "desexualize" people...well done
The butt cam is gone..outragous!
The asari all look like clones
The animations in areas are horrible
The crew seems too casual with only Cora being the one seemingly understanding the seriousness of the situation
Some missions are more annoying than fun (rock samples and the like)
The vortex is dismal (when you compare the previous nightclubs and such from other ME games)
Some of the lines are poorly written, bad voice acting, etc.
Nothing really memorable: Like sayings and stuff...I should go. Its had to be me, someone else might have gotten it wrong, etc. Nothing really
sticks out..no signature Ryder
Some things are neutral
The writing is nearly copying most of the franchises formula (badass krogan, the turning of people into ultimately indoctrinated monsters, the ship,
ancient unknown tech, etc). I mean, I get it..follow what works, but no real points for creativity.
But when the game is good, its damn good
The exploration...the planets feel like..planets you want to explore
The crew is...coming around to being cool. I think Liam is pretty cool to hang with (his loyalty mission is hilarious)
The visuals are fantastic, the interiors, etc. Well made levels for ships and such
The story is neither here nor there, but I feel its a good foundation anyhow
I enjoy the Nomad (I hated the Mako from ME1)
Overall yeah, I am enjoying this game. It had a lot to live up to coming from nearly everyones franchise, and tossing it to a untested studio using
untested algorithms and chalked full of hipsters instead of coders has had a negative effect on many aspects, but overall its worth the playthrough
for sure..and also worth the criticism (constructive) that they've been recieving so that future titles wont be under the inexperienced and political
wing of bioware..its a game company, not a political grandstanding platform.
Anyhow, I would recommend this game (Especially on a steam sale). I am going to hope that MEA2 fixes a lot of their issues, puts a better group of
talent in charge, tweak the tech for better lip sync, remember who their audience is, etc...but overall yeah. Its a ME title and I am digging it.