posted on Mar, 27 2017 @ 11:42 AM
a reply to:
I think it would have to be state by state, but with EVERY STATE making a universal coverage of their own citizens. If you live there, you get
covered. If you don't live there, you still get covered as a 'tourist' ---
I don't know. I'm certainly no economist, but I know that single-payer DOES work in several countries, and that the USA is WELL BEHIND in that
Our life expectancy is dropping, for heaven's sake! Humans can ony run on the hamster wheel so long before they give out. This society is making us
all susceptible. The ugliness needs to stop, the greed needs to be reined in, and the profiteers need to be called out.
Anyway -- eventually I think it will happen. And it will work. Make it regional or whatever, just get it done.
The best way to encourage it would be to make legislators have the SAME INSURANCE as the least among us.