posted on Mar, 23 2017 @ 09:35 PM
Speci-ism. The Death of an Era.
Speci-ism is quiet frankly disturbing. Maybe no-one heard the news, but All Lives Matter, and this is going out to you, my species bigoted reader.
If you are discriminate, against any species on earth, then you are a bigot. Are they not alive also? If you cannot dwell peacably with your fellow
species, you are in danger being that bigot.
Speci-ism has existed for quite some time. Lives have been spent in the Quadrillions as time has past. Statistics, that I am now making up, show
that murder between different species is at an all time high. CNN reports that one certain species has been found to be undeniably linked to a
certain group, within said species, that has promoted the death of 65% of other species, just because they are different. Just because they may not
believe the same. Just because they may not be able to communicate in any known form. That, my open minded friends, is way to far.
Now the species in question, which I am sure we all know who it is by now, has to be stopped before more senseless deaths occur. And of course I am
talking about the Duck Billed Platypus.
You may disagree with me and think maybe I am taking this a little too far, but I offer the words of a Great Movie Character that will always win an
arguement: "Yeah? Well? You know that's just like, uh, your opinion, man."
Thank you for your time.