posted on Mar, 23 2017 @ 12:46 PM
originally posted by: Itisnowagain
originally posted by: DayAfterTomorrow
The concepts of Buddhism are not a mute idol to worship, but the Spirit of Righteousness (Eight-fold path) and the Way of the early Christians. Paul
knew this about the outer dogma and ritual, which is why he spoke of the one body we all form.
Rather than accuse me, teach. ComMUNIcate.
But it is not about all that stuff really - it is about the end of suffering for you. Isn't it?
Life is heavy and you want to travel lighter, don't you?
Not a duplicity. Unity. If you desire reward from the treasury, you miss the treasure as the thing you give to. If you wish to avoid punishment
back into the body, you miss the opportunity to live a life complete and whole. See the Movie, the Shack, then read about the Bodhisattva. Did Mac
in the movie stay with God and enter into the kingdom of trust, or did he instead go back to his family in the image of creation as a Bodhisattva?
Three Buffalo - Mud - River (Baptism) and Domesticated (family servant)
The buffalo’s head sprouts horns
As he emerges from the weeds (relatives),
In a dream, he tries to speak
Of the valley of the timeless spring.
Although he has bathed in the fragrant waters,
I hit, saying, “Not Good Enough!
How will you impart strength to others?”
Judgment of others are the horns and mud emerging from the weeds. It's a dog with no Buddha nature (MU). Washing off the mud in the river is who we
are here for the most part. Some are here on return as Bodhisattva. Some are here as dogs recognizing their Buddha Nature (MU). Some pass all three
steps as Vishnu did.
Again, go back to read about imparting the Aleph (OX) to the family as a domesticated Buffalo. Research all three buffalo. We are always all three
until we no longer need the burden of the body. While there are those who are here, we are needed.