posted on Mar, 23 2017 @ 06:47 PM
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No but I have had that happen in college years... so I farted into a jar slid it around towards the front quicklyinverted it and capped it. Then I
gave to one of the known cuppers much to their chagrin. They thought it was funny and one left the jarred fart on his dresser because who owns such a
As the semester was about to end and they were going to be moving, I was over there helping and the fart in the jar was re-discovered; it was all
condensating like some biodome in there months old... he said watch this and gave it to the worst known cupper and said; The inside this jar smells
weird; but I can't place the smell and gave it to him, of course the fellow opened it and then promptly gagged and started cursing as the friend
obviously didnt open and smell it... was rolling around laughing; I said remember the jar I farted into?